40th Anniversary of Israeli occupation of Arabic lands:
Israeli occupation of Palestine and other Arab lands should end now
Israeli occupation of Palestine and other Arab lands should end now
Israel had marked this year’s 40th anniversary of its occupation of West Bank, Gaza strip and Golan Heights with more oppression, continued detention without charges of Palestinians and Syrians and more blood shed in West Bank and Gaza strip. All this and the international community is watching carelessly with no action to stop these atrocities.
“We are very concerned about the international community’s hypocrisy when it comes to Israel’s treatment” said Jamal Daoud, the spokesperson of the Social Justice Network. “Israel is refusing to implement more than 65 UN resolutions, violating all international treaties about treatment of people under occupation and all relevant international law about military conduct during war time. Yet, the international community did not move to punish or isolate this renegade state”
“The heightened hypocrisy of the UN and the international community was in its clearest display last month. The Security Council was quick and within less than one week to meet and adopt resolution 1757 to form Special court to investigate the assassination of Mr Hariry, under article VII”
“We understand that there is no wide spread civil unrest, daily massacres, wide spread violation of international laws and treaties in the aftermath of this assassination. Yet the Security Council was quick to adopt such resolution, even without the approval of Lebanese political apparatus”
The Palestinians were subjected to ethnic cleansing since 1948, their rights as human being was and is still grossly violated, their elected parliamentarians are illegally detained and their lands are grossly confiscated daily. Israel also occupies lands of other neighboring countries, Syria and Lebanon. Yet, the Security Council failed to adopt resolution under VII article to stop all these violations and atrocities.
“All aspects of international dealing with Israel are highly hypocritical. The international community’s dealing with Iran’s nuclear program is another example” said Mr Daoud. “Iran is under immense threats from international community for trying to develop nuclear program for peaceful use”
We, in the network, are not necessarily supporting using nuclear energy as alternative. But at the same time we are observing that the international community is deadly silent on the fact that Israel is stockpiling tones of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons of mass destruction”
In this sad commemoration, we stand in solidarity with the Palestinian, Syrian and Lebanese people under Israeli occupation. We condemn the international community silence on Israeli crimes and gross violation to human rights.
We also remember the struggle of million Palestinian, Lebanese and Syrian refugees because of Israeli aggression and occupation. The anniversary is coming just weeks before the world’s celebration of World Refugee Day. We note here that the Palestinians are the largest refugee ethnic group.
The Network will work very hard to raise the awareness among Australians on this important social justice issue. We note also the deadly silence of most of Australian politicians to demand justice for Israeli aggression’s victims.
The international community should act soon to force Israel to recognize and to implement international treaties and laws.
For media interviews, you can call Jamal Daoud on 0413 467 367
“We are very concerned about the international community’s hypocrisy when it comes to Israel’s treatment” said Jamal Daoud, the spokesperson of the Social Justice Network. “Israel is refusing to implement more than 65 UN resolutions, violating all international treaties about treatment of people under occupation and all relevant international law about military conduct during war time. Yet, the international community did not move to punish or isolate this renegade state”
“The heightened hypocrisy of the UN and the international community was in its clearest display last month. The Security Council was quick and within less than one week to meet and adopt resolution 1757 to form Special court to investigate the assassination of Mr Hariry, under article VII”
“We understand that there is no wide spread civil unrest, daily massacres, wide spread violation of international laws and treaties in the aftermath of this assassination. Yet the Security Council was quick to adopt such resolution, even without the approval of Lebanese political apparatus”
The Palestinians were subjected to ethnic cleansing since 1948, their rights as human being was and is still grossly violated, their elected parliamentarians are illegally detained and their lands are grossly confiscated daily. Israel also occupies lands of other neighboring countries, Syria and Lebanon. Yet, the Security Council failed to adopt resolution under VII article to stop all these violations and atrocities.
“All aspects of international dealing with Israel are highly hypocritical. The international community’s dealing with Iran’s nuclear program is another example” said Mr Daoud. “Iran is under immense threats from international community for trying to develop nuclear program for peaceful use”
We, in the network, are not necessarily supporting using nuclear energy as alternative. But at the same time we are observing that the international community is deadly silent on the fact that Israel is stockpiling tones of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons of mass destruction”
In this sad commemoration, we stand in solidarity with the Palestinian, Syrian and Lebanese people under Israeli occupation. We condemn the international community silence on Israeli crimes and gross violation to human rights.
We also remember the struggle of million Palestinian, Lebanese and Syrian refugees because of Israeli aggression and occupation. The anniversary is coming just weeks before the world’s celebration of World Refugee Day. We note here that the Palestinians are the largest refugee ethnic group.
The Network will work very hard to raise the awareness among Australians on this important social justice issue. We note also the deadly silence of most of Australian politicians to demand justice for Israeli aggression’s victims.
The international community should act soon to force Israel to recognize and to implement international treaties and laws.
For media interviews, you can call Jamal Daoud on 0413 467 367
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