The Australian Federal government should admit that Iraq invasion was the real factor behind attacks on Westerners
The Social justice Network notes that John Howard and his government are refusing to tell the truth and admit the real factors behind the increase of violent attacks on Western targets and interests around the world.
“John Howard is saying that the reason behind the UK bombing attempts was that some community members just “hate our way of life” .This is clear reference to Muslim community in Australia and Britian” said Jamal Daoud, the spokesperson for the network. “John Howard did not tell us why the Irish Republican Army conducted a fierce military campaign, including bombings in London, against the British occupation of Ireland. The Irish Catholics are certanily not Muslims, but westerners”
John Howard and his attorney general did not tell us the relationship between the increased threats against British and Australian and the participation of Australia and Britain in Iraq invasion. They did not tell us too what the fridge magnets did to stop Bali bombings, just after the invasion, or London bombings, July 2005”
John Howard did not tell us if he considers Sweden or Switzerland to be non- Western countries. No violence or threats were conducted in Sweden or Switzerland or against their interests around the world.
It is very clear that Howard and his attorney general cannot stop the campaign of deception to cover up the lies they fabricated to justify the invasion of Iraq, 2003. The network notes that the Security Council confirmed last week the campaign of lies and deception to justify the invasion of Iraq, by ending the mission of UN inspectors of weapons of mass destruction.
The Network notes that John Howard’s allegations were in clear controversy to many experts’ reports and comments that the real factor behind the increased attacks on Australian, British and American interests was the invasion of Iraq. These experts include Australian Federal Police commissioner and other intelligence experts.
The Network notes that the waste of tax-payers money to produce fridge magnets or build anti-terrorism laboratories will not help to make Australia safer. The only way to achieve this is by withdrawing troops from Iraq and Afghanistan, stop supporting American aggressive policies, stop supporting Israeli crimes against its neighbours and stop targeting Muslim communities in Australia.
The Australian government should admit that the so-called “anti-terrorism” campaign did not do much to make Australia safer place. This campaign resulted in clear deterioration of civil liberties and increased the feeling of marginalisation of many community members. The only way to reduce the risk of terror attacks in Australia is by voting Howard out of office in the coming federal election expected later in this year.
For media interviews, you can call Jamal Daoud, the spokesperson for the network, on 0424 163 667
“John Howard is saying that the reason behind the UK bombing attempts was that some community members just “hate our way of life” .This is clear reference to Muslim community in Australia and Britian” said Jamal Daoud, the spokesperson for the network. “John Howard did not tell us why the Irish Republican Army conducted a fierce military campaign, including bombings in London, against the British occupation of Ireland. The Irish Catholics are certanily not Muslims, but westerners”
John Howard and his attorney general did not tell us the relationship between the increased threats against British and Australian and the participation of Australia and Britain in Iraq invasion. They did not tell us too what the fridge magnets did to stop Bali bombings, just after the invasion, or London bombings, July 2005”
John Howard did not tell us if he considers Sweden or Switzerland to be non- Western countries. No violence or threats were conducted in Sweden or Switzerland or against their interests around the world.
It is very clear that Howard and his attorney general cannot stop the campaign of deception to cover up the lies they fabricated to justify the invasion of Iraq, 2003. The network notes that the Security Council confirmed last week the campaign of lies and deception to justify the invasion of Iraq, by ending the mission of UN inspectors of weapons of mass destruction.
The Network notes that John Howard’s allegations were in clear controversy to many experts’ reports and comments that the real factor behind the increased attacks on Australian, British and American interests was the invasion of Iraq. These experts include Australian Federal Police commissioner and other intelligence experts.
The Network notes that the waste of tax-payers money to produce fridge magnets or build anti-terrorism laboratories will not help to make Australia safer. The only way to achieve this is by withdrawing troops from Iraq and Afghanistan, stop supporting American aggressive policies, stop supporting Israeli crimes against its neighbours and stop targeting Muslim communities in Australia.
The Australian government should admit that the so-called “anti-terrorism” campaign did not do much to make Australia safer place. This campaign resulted in clear deterioration of civil liberties and increased the feeling of marginalisation of many community members. The only way to reduce the risk of terror attacks in Australia is by voting Howard out of office in the coming federal election expected later in this year.
For media interviews, you can call Jamal Daoud, the spokesperson for the network, on 0424 163 667
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