The Greens should come clear of any deal with the Liberals in Marrickville and Balmain
Following media reports about possible preference deals between the Liberal and the Greens parties in certain seats, The Social Justice group demands immediate clarification.
“A few days ago, the Greens claimed high moral stance and demanded the Labor to clarify any deal with the Christian Democrats party after the inflammatory remarks by its leader, Rev Fred Nile” said Jamal Daoud, spokesperson for the group. “The Greens has notorious reputation of hypocrisy on these issues”
The Greens have done a deal with the One Nation party on the eve of 2001 election, while demanded from the major parties to stop any dealing with what they called “that racist party at the time”
“The Greens have demanded clarification from the Liberals about their relationship with the Christian extreme-right group Exclusive Brethren, to then make deal with Liberals against Labor at Victorian election, 2006”
“While we are advocating voters to vote white at this election, we note that The Greens cannot demand from other parties to be principled and not to deal with the extreme-right parties, and then make secret deals with them to secure electoral gains” said Mr Daoud.
In 2001 election, without the preference deals with One Nation, the Greens could not secure the election of Senator Kerry Nettle. The Greens at the time quickly buried the issues by making fiery speeches about the evilness of Pauline Hanson’s political agenda after the end of the election.
Without strong preferences from Liberals, the Greens cannot secure any win in any lower house seats at this election. If this win happens (which is highly unlikely) it would be on dirty deals with the far-right groups.
“The group notices the Greens slogan of “clean politics” in the last elections, and would demand the Greens to honor its slogan. To date, this did not happen”
For media interviews, you can call Jamal Daoud on 0413 467 367
“A few days ago, the Greens claimed high moral stance and demanded the Labor to clarify any deal with the Christian Democrats party after the inflammatory remarks by its leader, Rev Fred Nile” said Jamal Daoud, spokesperson for the group. “The Greens has notorious reputation of hypocrisy on these issues”
The Greens have done a deal with the One Nation party on the eve of 2001 election, while demanded from the major parties to stop any dealing with what they called “that racist party at the time”
“The Greens have demanded clarification from the Liberals about their relationship with the Christian extreme-right group Exclusive Brethren, to then make deal with Liberals against Labor at Victorian election, 2006”
“While we are advocating voters to vote white at this election, we note that The Greens cannot demand from other parties to be principled and not to deal with the extreme-right parties, and then make secret deals with them to secure electoral gains” said Mr Daoud.
In 2001 election, without the preference deals with One Nation, the Greens could not secure the election of Senator Kerry Nettle. The Greens at the time quickly buried the issues by making fiery speeches about the evilness of Pauline Hanson’s political agenda after the end of the election.
Without strong preferences from Liberals, the Greens cannot secure any win in any lower house seats at this election. If this win happens (which is highly unlikely) it would be on dirty deals with the far-right groups.
“The group notices the Greens slogan of “clean politics” in the last elections, and would demand the Greens to honor its slogan. To date, this did not happen”
For media interviews, you can call Jamal Daoud on 0413 467 367
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