Tuesday, July 21, 2009


شبكة العدالة الاجتماعية تختتم حملة "حقائب مدرسية لاطفال غزة" بعشاء خيري

تتقدم شبكة العدالة الاجتماعية بالشكر الجزيل لكل من شارك في انجاح حملتها لجمع تبرعات لاهالي غزة المنكوبين تحت شعار "حقائب مدرسية لاطفال غزة". وقد اختتمت الحملة بحفل عشاء خيري اقيم في مطعم "وطن" في منطقة اوبرن شارك فيه حشد غفير من ابناء الجالية ومؤيدي حقوق الشعب الفلسطيني المشروعة. ونخص بالذكر سماحة الشيخ حيدر الصمياني ممثلا لمركز اهل البيت، والجمعية النسائية في جامع جاليبولي وممثلي مركز القدس للعمل الاجتماعي وكذلك ممثلي جماعة السيد مقتدى الصدر في استراليا وجميع ابناء الجاليات العربية والاسلامية ممن شارك في الحملة من بدايتها. وقد تم عرض فيلم عن تاريخ المجازر الاسرائيلية ضد ابناء المنطقة منذ صدور وعد بلفور المشؤوم مرورا بمجازر دير ياسين وقبية وصبرا وشاتيلا، وانتهاءا بمجازر غزة المروعة. كما القيت كلمات تدين مواقف الاحزاب الاسترالية اتجاه الاحتلال الاسرائيلي للاراضي العربية والتي يتراوح كلها ما بين التأييد المطلق لاسرائيل في جرائمها او المساواة بين الجلاد والضحية في احسن احوال الاحزاب التي تدعي انها تقدمية. وشددت الكلمات على ان شبكة العدالة الاجتماعية ستعمل على جعل هذه القضية ومواقف الاحزاب الاسترالية من الاحتلال الاسرائيلي قضية راي عام خلال الانتخابات القادمة، من اجل الضغط على الاحزاب الاسترالية لتغيير مواقفها المخزية من هذه القضية التي وبكل المقاييس تعتبر اهم قضية تؤثر في السلم العالمي. واختتم الحفل بعزف على الناي قدمه السيد جمال عليان واتبعه بموال من التراث الفلسطيني عن معاناة المعتقلين الفلسطينيين في سجون الاحتلال الاسرائيلي

وفي هذا المقام فان الشبكة تخص بالشكر الجزيل وسائل الاعلام وخصوصا العربية منها للتغطية المكثفة للحملة وعلى راسها البرنامج العربي في اذاعة ال اس.بي.اس الرصينة والصحف المحلية وخصوصا صحف النهار والتلغراف والانواروالصحف المحلية الصادرة بالانجليزية في اوبرن وبانكستاون

وقد تم في هذه الحملة جمع ما يساوي اكثر من نصف حاوية ملابس وحقائب مدرسية واحذية والعاب اطفال سيصار الى ارسالها من ضمن الحاوية التي سيرسلها مجلس الجاليات الاسلامية الاسترالية افيك

كما تم جمع حوالي 4،500 دولار نقدا ستسلم فورا لجمعية "افيدا" لشراء حقائب مدرسية لاطفال غزة المحتاجين من السوق المحلي في غزة

وستقوم الشبكة بنشر نشاطاتها تباعا ايمانا منها باهمية اشراك ابناء الجاليات المهمشة في العمل على تغيير الواقع السياسي والاجتماعي من اجل احتلال دور اكبر في الحياة السياسية والاجتماعية لرسم مستقبل افضل لابنائها في هذا البلد الجميل المعطاء

ويمكنكم مراسلة الشبكة على بريدها
Po Box 1619, Auburn NSw 1385
او على بريدها الاكتروني
او الاتصال مع منسق اعمالها جمال داود على الرقم 0424163667


معرض "حقائب لاطفال غزة" يحقق نجاحا كبيرا

نظمت شبكة العدالة الاجتماعية يوم السبت الماضي معرضا عن المجازر الاسرائيلية ضد غزة واهلها في مقهى التيتانيك – بانكستاون. حيث عرضت صور تجسد المجازر ضد المدنيين من نساﺀ واطفال وشيوخ غزة. كما تضمن المعرض صور كاريكاتورية للوضع في الشرق الاوسط وانحياز الادارة الامريكية الكامل مع العدوان الاسرائيلي الغاشم ضد الشعب الفلسطيني وشعوب المنطقة. وشمل المعرض عرض منتوجات تمثل التراث الفلسطيني ونضاله العادل

وقد شارك العشرات من ابناﺀ الجالية وغيرهم من المؤيدين لحقوق الشعب الفلسطيني في المعرض. حيث كان الاقبال على التبرع العيني منقطع النظير حيث جمعت تبرعات عينية كبيرة من حقائب مدرسية وملابس واحذية لارسالها لاحقا الى القطاع المنكوب. كما جمعت تبرعات نقدية في هذه المناسبة

وبسبب الاقبال والمشاركة الفاعلة الكبيرة من الجالية ومن مؤيدي نضال الشعب الفلسطيني، فان الشبكة قد قررت الاستمرار في هذه النشاطات وذلك بتنظيم مزيد من هذه المعارض في مناطق مختلفة من مدينة سدني. والشبكة تقوم الآن باستطلاع امكانية اقامة معرض في منطقة اوبرن ومن ثم في منطقة روكدايل وارنكليف

وتشكر الشبكة كل المشاركين والمتبرعين على حماستهم التي اظهروها في معارضة العدوان الهمجي الاسرائيلي على غزة واستعدادهم لدعم ابناء غزة المنكوبين والمحاصرين. كما تخص الشبكة بالشكر ادارة مقهى التيتانيك لتبرعه باقامة المعرض في المقهى وتسهيل كافة الوسائل الازمة لانجاحه

وتود الشبكة ان تلفت انتباه المشاركين انه وبسبب الاغلاق الكامل لمعبر رفح وانعدام امكانية ارسال التبرعات العينية، حيث قامت الشبكة بالاتصال بالعديد من الجمعيات والمنظمات الاهلية الاسترالية التي تنشط في مساعدة اهالي غزة منذ زمن والتي اجمعت كل معلوماتهم الى ان ارسال هذه التبرعات في الوقت الحاضر غير ممكن. ولهذا فان الشبكة ستحتفظ بهذه التبرعات الى حين فتح المعابر. اما التبرعات النقدية فسترسل فور الانتهاء من جمعها عن طريق منظمة "افيدا" لشراء حقائب مدرسية لاطفال غزة من السوق المحلي في غزة وتوزيعها على المحتاجين

وستقوم الشبكة بالاعلان عن الحصيلة الكاملة من التبرعات بعد انتهاء الحملة. كما ستقوم بالاعلان عن النشاطات القادمة فور اقرارها

لمزيد من المعلومات يمكنكم الاتصال مع جمال داود، منسق اعمال الشبكة، على 0424163667


تهنئة من شبكة العدالة الاجتماعية بانتصار المقاومة الفلسطينية

ودعوة للمشاركة في معرض لجمع تبرعات حقائب مدرسية لاطفال غزة

تتقدم شبكة العدالة الاجتماعية من كل الشرفاﺀ في العالم بالتهنئة بالنصر المؤزر الذي حققته فصائل المقاومة الفلسطينية في وجه آلة الدمار الصهيونية بالرغم من كل الاسلحة الفتاكة التي استخدمتها ضد المدنيين العزل (ومعظمها محرم دوليا). هذا النصر الذي سيكون له دور فاعل في انهاﺀ الغطرسة الاسرائيلية المدعومة من الامبريالية العالمية، هذه الغطرسة التي نشرت الرعب والدمار في منطقة الشرق الاوسط لاكثر من نصف قرن

كما ان هذا الانتصار ادى فعليا الى انهاﺀ اية احلام في رسم خارطة شرق اوسط جديد يقوم على الاستفراد بقوى المقاومة وانهائها وتقسيم الشرق الاوسط الى كانتونات صغيرة لتسهيل نهب ثروات المنطقة والقضاﺀ على احلام شعوبها بالتحرر والتنمية الحقيقية القائمة على مبادئ العدالة الاجتماعية. بل اننا نعتقد جازمين ان هذا الانتصار سيؤسس لرسم مرحلة جديدة من شرق اوسط جديد خال من كل قوى العدوان والتطرف العنصري

وفي هذا المجال تدين الشبكة كل من راهن على انكسار المقاومة وامكانية انهائها واستسلامها في مدة لا تزيد عن الاسبوع. لائحة المراهنون التي تشمل ما يسمى بحكومة تصريف الاعمال الفلسطينية و الانظمة العربية الرجعية والسياسيون الغربيون الحالمون بامكانية اعادة فترة الاستعمار القديم القائم على نهب الثروات بقوة الجيوش الغازية. وندين بالخصوص من استخدم شعارات "حق اسرائيل في الدفاع عن نفسها" لتبرير المجازر البشعة ضد المدنيين. ونلاحظ في هذا الخصوص خلو البرلمان الاسترالي من قوى يسار حقيقي (فيما عدا نواب يعدون على اصابع اليد ممن وضعوا النقاط على الحروف في ادانة الاحتلال كاحتلال وليس كقوى استخدمت "عنفا مفرطا") يشخص المشكلة على حقيقتها على اساس انها قضية احتلال يستوجب قوى مقاومة لدحر هذا الاحتلال. ونؤكد في هذا المجال ان الشعب الفلسطيني الرازح تحت الاحتلال والذي تعرض لحرب ابادة عرقية على مدار اكثر من نصف قرن، له كل الحق في الدفاع عن نفسه، حسب المعاهدات الدولية والاعلان العالمي لحقوق الانسان التي تشرع حق الدفاع عن النفس لكل شعب تحت الاحتلال

وفي هذه المناسبة نؤكد ان الشبكة التي ادانت العدوان منذ اول يوم، ستفعل كل ما بوسعها للاستمرار في دعم حق الشعب الفلسطيني في الحياة الحرة الكريمة. كما ان الشبكة تعمل على حشد الجهود والجماهير للتاسيس لقوى يسار حقيقي في استراليا قادر على العمل دون خوف من اللوبي الصهيوني المتنفذ في كل مؤسسات صنع القرار في استراليا

وفي هذا المجال تدعوكم الشبكة لحضورالمعرض الذي يعرض لتاريخ المجازر البشعة التي ارتكبتها اسرائيل بحق الشعب الفلسطيني وشعوب المنطقة والذي سيتخلله جمع تبرعات نقدية وعينية، وخصوصا حقائب لاطفال غزة حيث ستسلم هذه التبرعات للجمعيات الخيرية الاسترالية لنقلها الى غزة وتسليمها للاطفال المحتاجين

يقام المعرض يوم السبت 31 كانون ثاني/ يناير من الساعة 10 صباحا – 6 مساﺀا على العنوان التالي: مقهى التيتانيك – 49 شارع رايموند – بانكستاون

ان سكان غزة يحتاجون مساعدتكم، فنرجوا حضوركم واظهار التاييد لنضال الشعب الفلسطيني العادل ضد الهمجية الاسرائيلية

كما يمكنكم التبرع باحضار تبرعاتكم العينية من الحقائب وقتما تشاؤون ووضعها في الحاوية المخصصة امام مقهى التيتانيك اوايداع 10$ لكل حقيبة في حساب الشبكة في بنك السانت جورج رقم 428608463

لمزيد من المعلومات او للمشاركة في نشاطات الشبكة يمكنكم الاتصال مع منسق اعمال الشبكة جمال داود على 0424163667


معارضة حزب الخضر لبناﺀ مدرسة اسلامية في بانكستاون: محاولة مفضوحة لاستقطاب اصوات العنصريين في المجتمع

واخيرا سقط القناع الرجعي الحقيقي عن وجه حزب الخضر عندما دخل بقوة الى حلبة العنصريين بالمشاركة في تشجيع معاداة الاسلام و المسلمين، حيث كان الحزب يتدثر بقناع زائف مدع بدفاعه عن قضايا العدالة الاجتماعية مجترا كلاما جميلا عن اهمية التناغم الاجتماعي ومبادئ التعددية الثقافية

ففي بيانه الصحفي بالامس و المعارض لبناﺀ مدرسة "الامانة" في بانكستاون، قدم السيد جون كاي، عضو المجلس التشريعي في الولاية عن حزب الخضر، معلومات مغلوطة عن الموضوع وذرائع غير منطقية من اجل تبرير انحياز الحزب لمعسكر العنصريين ومعادي التعددية الثقافية المعادين لبناﺀ المدرسة

ويبدو ان الهدف الاساسي للانحياز هذا جاﺀ من اجل استقطاب اصوات الاستراليين العنصريين الذين شعروا بالترمل بعد موت حزب امة واحدة العنصري وسقوط حكومة جون هاورد العنصرية. كما انه من الواضح ان حزب الخضر قد فقد بوصلته السياسية بفقدانه اجندته السياسية، وانه اصبح يلهث خلف اي صوت ممكن، حتى لو كان عنصريا

ومن المؤكد ان حزب الخضر كان يشاهد خلال السنتين الاخيرتين النمو المضطرد في اعداد العنصريين الذين اخذوا يطلوا برؤوسهم محاولين تجميع شتاتهم خلف اجندة معاداة الاسلام والمسلمين. كما ان هذا الحزب لا بد وانه لاحظ فقدان هؤلاﺀ العنصريين لقيادة سياسية توحدهم وتدافع عن اجندتهم بعد ان امتنعت القوى السياسية العنصرية تقليديا من تاييدهم وتامين غطاﺀ لهم

ونلاحظ هنا انه وفي وقت قامت الحكومة الفيديرالية الجديدة ببعض الخطوات المهمة لردع هذه القوى العنصرية، وامتناع حزب الاحرار المحافظ عن تامين غطاﺀ سياسي لاجندتهم التدميرية، فان حزب الخضر قد تبرع للتقدم بتقديم اوراق اعتماده لهؤلاﺀ بتوفير مظلة سياسية له

ويلاحظ في بيان حزب الخضر ان كاتبه قد ساق تبريرات يائسة مضللة بشكل يدعو للغثيان. فالسيد جون كاي يريد ان يلغي المدارس الخاصة الاسلامية فقط ويريد اجبار الطلاب المسلمين (دون غيرهم من اتباع الديانات الاخرى) على ارتياد مدارس حكومية. ثم يمضي السيد كاي في ادعاﺀاته الباطلة بان الطلاب المسلمون فقط هم المتسببون في الاعتداﺀ على البيئة والتسبب في اختناقات السير. اما عندما يتعلق الامر ببناﺀ مدارس يهودية او كاثوليكية، فان السيد كاي لا ينبس ببنت شفة ولا يسوق اي من هذه الادعاﺀات المهزلة

ويبدو ان حزب الخضر الذي بدا يشعر ان الناخب المسلم لم يعد مقتنعا بكل الهراﺀ الذي ساقه خلال العقد الماضي، متمثلا بانخفاض التاييد للحزب في المناطق ذات التواجد الاسلامي والعربي مؤخرا، حيث ان انتخابات الولاية العام الماضي قد شهدت انهيارا في التصويت للحزب في مناطق مثل اوبرن وبانكستاون ولاكيمبا. ولذلك فقد بدا واضحا ان الحزب قرر ان يجري لاهثا خلف اي صوت، ولو كان عنصريا

على انه من الجدير بالذكر ان تاريخ حزب الخضر في الهجوم على الجالية العربية والاسلامية ليس جديدا، الا في شكله. ففي الماضي القريب ارتكب الحزب الكثير ضد الجالية العربية والاسلامية. فقام بتنظيم ندوات ضد الاسلام والمسلمين، ثم اتبع ذلك تاييد الحزب لكثير من تشريعات اضطهاد المسلمين بما يعرف بقوانين مكافحة ما يسمى بالارهاب. والحزب منع اي مسلم او عربي من الوصول الى اي منصب مهم داخل الحزب

ولكن الحزب كان يرتكب كل ذلك في الخفاﺀ دون ان يخرج الى العلن. ولكن يبدو ان الحزب قد قرر هذه المرة ان يعلن ذلك وعلى رؤوس الاشهاد وبلا مواربة حيث بلغت الجراة اصدار بيانات صحفية واجراﺀ مقابلات على اثير وسائل الاعلام متهما الجالية باقبح التهم مطالبا بمنع انشاﺀ المدرسة الاسلامية

ويبدو ان حزب الخضر قد قرر القاﺀ كل ثقله من اجل استقطاب الناخبين العنصريين بعد اعلان وفاة حزب امة واحدة ثم رحيل حكومة هاورد العنصرية. على ان التعامل مع الاحزاب والقوى العنصرية ليس جديدا على حزب الخضر الذي عقد خلال انتخابات عام 2001 الفيديرالية صفقة مكنته من الحصول على الاصوات التفضيلية من حزب باولين هانسون "امة واحدة" المغرق في العنصرية والذي قاطعته كل الاحزاب السياسية، ماعدا الخضر. وفي الحقيقة فان سيناتورة حزب الخضر، كيري نيتل، قد فازت باصوات عنصريي امة واحدة الهانسوني بعد عقد صفقة معهم في تلك الانتخابات. كما ان حزب الخضر كان قد عقد صفقات متتالية مع حزب الاحرار اليميني بقيادة جون هاورد خلال انتخابات ولاية فيكتوريا عام 2006 وحاول القيام بنفس الصفقات في انتخابات ولاية نيو ساوث ويلز عام 2007، ولكن حزب الاحرار اليميني رفض هذه الصفقات بسبب مواقف حزب الخضر المشينة في تسهيل حصول الاحداث والمدمنين على المخدرات

ونلاحظ في بيان السيد كاي انه قد ذهب الى ابعد الحدود في محاولة ارضاﺀ اليمين العنصري المتطرف بان طالب وزيرة التعليم بانتهاك استقلالية القضاﺀ واصدار قانون يلغي حكم محكمة البيئة والاراضي لمنع اقامة هذه المدرسة، لانها اسلامية فقط. ونلاحظ هنا الانتهازية في المواقف المتمثلة في الازداوجية في المواقف، حيث ان الحزب قد ادان تدخل رئيس حكومة الولاية السابق بوب كار لالغاﺀ حكم نفس المحكمة في قضية منع انشاﺀ مكب للنفايات في منطقة كلايد. وساعتها اعتبر حزب الخضر ان هذا التدخل قد تسبب في "اغتيال الديمقراطية" بالتدخل في استقلالية القضاﺀ. ان هذه الازدواجية المرعبة في المواقف هي اكبر برهان على انتهازية هذا الحزب

لقد فرحنا على الاقل بان حزب الخضر قد قرر ان يزيح النقاب عن وجهه الحقيقي ولونه المميز. ولكن في الانتخابات القادمة على هذا الحزب ان يتوقع ان لا يحصل على الكثير من اصوات ابناﺀ الجالية الذين لن ينسوا من طعنهم في الظهر. كما اننا ندعوا حزب الخضر ان يركز على استقطاب اصوات الفئات التي يمثل اجندتهم، ونقصد هنا مجموعات العنصريين الغارقين في الرجعية

وان غدا لناظره قريب


تهنئة بحلول عيد الاضحى المبارك

تتقدم شبكة العدالة الاجتماعية من جميع مسلمي استراليا والعالم باحر التهاني واجمل التبريكات والتمنيات بانتهاﺀ مراسم الحج وحلول عيد الاضحى المبارك راجين عودة الحجيج بسلامة كل الى وطنه. وفي هذه المناسبة المباركة نتذكر في الشبكة كل المحرومين والمحاصرين وخصوصا في غزة الشموخ والاباﺀ وفي بلاد الرافدين من المعانين من كل اشكال الظلم والاضطهاد والتعذيب راجين ان تكون هذه المناسبة خاتمة الاحزان وبداية لعهد جديد يسود فيه الاحترام والتقديرو بداية انحسار مد المحافظين الجدد الذين ملؤا الدنيا حروبا وظلما واضطهادا.

وكل عام وانتم بخير

جمال داود
الناطق الرسمي


تهنئة بحلول عيد الفطر السعيد

بمناسبة انتهاﺀ شهررمضان المبارك و حلول عيد الفطر السعيد، تتقدم شبكة العدالة الاجتماعية من الطوائف الاسلامية باحر التهاني واجمل التمنيات راجين ان تكون المناسبة بداية حقبة جديدة يسود فيها الاحترام والتقدير لتضحيات ومشاركات ابناﺀ الجالية في بناﺀ استراليا الحديثة المتعددة الثقافات وان تكون هذه المناسبة بداية انحسار مد العنصرية الموجهة ضد الجالية و ابناﺀها . كما واننا وفي هذه المناسبة نتذكر المحرومين في استراليا وفي العالم والذين لم يشعروا ببهجة هذه الايام السعيدة، راجين ان تكون السنين القادمة اقل قسوة واكثر عدالة

وكل عام وانتم بخير

جمال داود
الناطق الرسمي


زيارة تاييد لعضو البرلمان جوليا ايروين لمواقفها من قضية فلسطين

قام وفد من شبكة العدالة الاجتماعية بزيارة لعضو البرلمان الفيديرالي عن مقعد فاولر السيدة جوليا ايروين لتقديم الشكر والتاييد لمواقفها التقدمية، خصوصا بشأن الصراع العربي – الاسرائيلي. وقد عبر الوفد عن تقديره الكبير لمعارضة السيدة ايروين العلني للاقتراح الذي تقدم به رئيس الوزراﺀ كيفن راد لتهنئة دولة اسرائيل بالذكرى الستين لقيامها. وقد عبرت السيدة ايروين عن اعتزازها بموقفها والجدل الذي اثارته مما ادى الى اعادة تسليط الضوﺀ على هذه القضية المهمة والمؤثرة على السلام العالمي برمته. وقد بينت السيدة ايروين ان اكثر من 35 من اعضاﺀ حزب العمال كانوا قد قاطعوا الكلمة التي القاها السيد راد في البرلمان الاسترالي وطرح من خلالها الاقتراح المذكور. كما قالت السيدة ايروين ان هناك عضوا من حزب الاحرار (على الاقل) وعضوين من الحزب الوطني قد ايدوا مواقفها وعرضوا تنسيق المواقف معها بهذا الشان. كما قدر الوفد للسيدة ايروين مواقفها السابقة من القضية، برغم تعرضها لهجوم مكثف من اللوبي الصهيوني في وسائل الاعلام او داخل البرلمان وداخل الكوكس الحزبي
كما تم بحث العديد من القضايا ذات الاهتمام المشترك وكيفية تنسيق الجهود لتحقيق الاهداف المرجوة. وقد خرج اعضاﺀ الوفد بانطباعات مشجعة عن امكانيات العمل المشترك في المستقبل من اجل تحقيق الاهداف المرجوة، في هذه القضية وغيرها من القضايا ذات الاهتمام المشترك
وكانت شبكة العدالة الاجتماعية قد وجهت لرئيس الوزراﺀ رسائل استهجان وشجب لمواقفه الرجعية بهذا الشان والممالئة لاسرائيل و للوبي الصهيوني في البلد. وقد دونت هذا الموقف بشريط فيديو على موقع اليو تيوب على

جمال داود
الناطق الرسمي، شبكة العدالة الاجتماعية


دعوة للمشاركة
في الذكرى السنوية الاولى لمجزرة مروحين وقانا الثانية

في الذكرى السنوية الاولى لمجزرة مروحين و مجزرة قانا الثانية، التي ارتكبها الجيش الاسرائيلي في شهر تموز 2006 خلال عداونه على لبنان ، تدعوكم شبكة العدالة الاجتماعية للمشاركة في العشاﺀ التضامني الذي سيقام تخليدا لهذه الذكرى

سيقام العشاﺀ في مطعم "اميرة الياسمين" على العنوان التالي
741 Punchbowl Rd, Punchbowl

وذلك يوم الجمعة الموافق 27 تموز 2007
وذلك من الساعة 7 مساﺀا

سيتضمن العشاﺀ كلمات من وحي المناسبة وكذلك كلمات عن عمل الشبكة في الدفاع عن قضايا العدالة الاجتماعية في استرااليا وخارجها

التذاكر: 25$ لكل شخص

لمزيد من المعلومات ولحجز اماكنكم (حيث ان الاماكن محدودة)، يمكنكم الاتصال مع سلوى على 0418452438 او جمال على 0424163667 او بارسال رسالة على العنوان الالكتروني

16 March 2007

دعوة حزب الخضر للسماح بتشريع استخدام مخدر الآيس مدمر لعائلاتنا

الدعوة التي اطلقها حزب الخضر لتشريع السماح باستخدام والاتجار بمخدر الآيس هو دليل جديد على صوابية دعوة مجموعتنا لمقاطعة انتخابات الولاية هذا العام

حزب الخضر الذي سوق نفسه للناخبين طوال السنين الماضية على انه البديل التقدمي عن الاحزاب الكبرى التقليدية، لم يفلح حتى الآن في إظهار ما عنده من مواهب تقدمية ، اللهم إلاّ إذا كان إباحة استخدام المخدرات والدعوة لتشريع زواج الشاذين جنسيا وتشجيع الانتحار بما يعرف ب"القتل الرحيم" ما يقصده "الخضر" بديل تقدمي

كان املنا من هذا الحزب ان يقوم بخطوات تؤدي الى رفع تمثيل الجماعات المهمشة في المجتمع والمهملة من اي تمثيل في مؤسسات صنع القرار مثل السكان الاصليين والناطقين بلغة غير انجليزية والمصابين باعاقة او الفقراﺀ

ولو نظرنا الى تركيبة القيادة في حزب الخضر الان، لرايناهم جميعا من اصول بيضاﺀ انجلو-ساكسونية من طبقة متوسطة مائلة إلى البرجوازية. على مدار العقود الماضية فشلوا في تحقيق اي تمثيل للجماعات المهمشة داخل حزبهم ، فكيف سيحققوا تمثيلا افضل لهذه الجماعات في مؤسسات صنع القرار في البلد

ان مخدر الآيس معروف عنه انه شديد الضرر ذو ادمان قوي وبسر رخيص. و هو اشد فتكا من كل المخدرات المستعملة في العالم اليوم ومسؤول عن تدمير حياة اعداد كبيرة من الشباب، وخصوصا الفقراﺀ منهم. ولذلك فان تشريع استخدام هذا المخدر لن يعمل الا على تشجيع ادمان الشباب وبالتالي تدمير حياتهم

نحن نعرف ان الاحزب الكبرى التقليدية قد فشلت في التعبير عن مشاكل ابناﺀ الجماعات المهمشة في المجتمع، ولكن من يدعي انه قوى تقدمية بديلة عن الاحزب الكبرى، لم يقدم بديلا افضل

ان المجموعة تؤمن ان معالجة مشكلة المخدرات ليس بالامر السهل الذي يمكن حله بتشريع استخدامها. بل ان الحل يكمن في معالجة اسباب الادمان في الاساس، مثل الشعور بالانعزال الاجتماعي والفقر والبطالة والعنصرية والشعور بدرجة مواطنية ثانية.
من الواضح جدا ان حزب الخضر قد فشل في معالجة اي من هذه، من اجل معالجة مشكلة المخدرات، فلجأ الى حلول ترقيعية، من شانها ان تزيد الطين بلة

جمال داود، الناطق الرسمي باسم مجموعة العدالة الاجتماعية


دعوة عامة في ذكرى يوم الارض الفلسطينية

تدعوشبكة العدالة الاجتماعية ابناﺀ الجالية وكل مؤيدي حقوق الشعب الفلسطيني العادلة الى عشاﺀ خيري بمناسبة يوم الارض الفلسطينية

يتضمن العشاﺀ كلمات من وحي المناسبة وتعريف بعمل الشبكة في استراليا في الدفاع عن قضايا العدالة الاجتماعية والخطوات التي ستتخذ من اجل تحقيق ذلك

سيقام العشاﺀ يوم الجمعة 30 مارس/اذار الساعة 7 مساﺀا

وذلك في مطعم الياسمين على العنوان التالي

224 The Boulevarde, Punchbowl

سيذهب جزﺀ من ريع العشاﺀ لدعم الشعب الفلسطيني الرازح تحت الاحتلال الاسرائيلي الغاشم

التكلفة: 20$ للشخص

الحجز ضروري لان الاماكن محدودة

لمزيد من المعلومات ولحجز اماكنكم يمكنكم الاتصال مع جمال داود، منسق عمل الشبكة، على 0413467367 او ارسال رسالة الى البريد الالكتروني socialjustice_nsw@yahoo.com.au


الاطلاق الرسمي لحملة "قاطعوا انتخابات الولاية 2007"

اطلقت شبكة العدالة الاجتماعية نهاية الاسبوع الماضي رسميا حملة "قاطعوا انتخابات الولاية 2007" في منتزه تيمبي الترفيهي، بحضور شخصيات من ابناﺀ المجتمع في مدينة سدني. وبرغم الامطار والعواصف فقد توجه عشرات المناصرين للحملة الى المنتزه ليرسلوا رسالة "كفى" للسياسيين

اعطت المناسبة فرصة للحضور لمناقشة مختلف القضايا التي تهم المجتمع، سيما السياسية منها والخاصة بانتخابات الولاية المقبلة المقرر اجرائها نهاية الشهر المقبل

وتعتبر حملة "قاطعوا انتخابات الولاية 2007" الاولى من نوعها في تاريخ الانتخابات الاسترالية، على خلفية ان شرائح واسعة من المجتمع المدني من مختلف تشكيلاته العرقية والدينية كان يعتمد في الحملات السابقة في اختيار مرشحيه على عدة خصائص من اهمها التزام الحزب بقضايا العدالة الاجتماعية في الدفاع عن حقوق اللاجئين، ومحاربة العنصرية والدفاع عن البيئة وغيرها من القضايا

وفي هذا الصدد يقول احد مناصري هذه الحملة انه و بتاييده لهذا الطرح ما هو الا رسالة موجهة خصيصا للسياسيين مفادها انه لم يعد امام عدد كبير من الاستراليين من بديل حقيقي واضح بامكانه تبني مشاكله التي اصبحت في نظره صفقة للمزايدة في الحملات الانتخابية لينتهي دورها بمجرد انتهاﺀ هذا الموعد في اجندة اصحاب القرار

وان تنوعت البدائل امام فئات كثيرة من المجتمع الاسترالي في اختيار ممثليها من الاحزاب السياسية فان حملة "قاطعوا انتخابات الولاية 2007" جاﺀت مخالفة عن سابقتها من الحملات الانتخابية حيث اكدت على اهمية التصويت كحق من الحقوق الديمقراطية التي يضمنها القانون، لكنها بالمقابل دعت الى مقاطعة هذا الحق "التصويت" وذلك بالذهاب الى صناديق الاقتراع ووضع ورقة الانتخاب بيضاﺀ بدون اسم لاي مرشح او حزب

ومن المتوقع ان تتجاوب اعداد متزايدة من سكان الولاية مع الحملة ويقاطعوا الانتخابات على طريقة التصويت بورقة بيضاﺀ تعبيرا عن نفاذ صبرهم من اهمال الاحزاب السياسية لمشاكلهم التي اصبحت مزمنة مع الايام، حيث ان التجاوب مع الحملة خلال الاسابيع الماضية كان ايجابيا جدا

Monday, July 6, 2009

21 May 09

SJN Refugee Day celebration: Fundamental changes to policy needed.

The Social Justice Network is holding its annual celebration of World Refugees Day next week as recognition of the deep suffering and sacrifice of the refugees during their journey to reach safe country that protect their lives and dignity.

This year’s celebration comes amid increase in the numbers of refugees and increase in their suffering in their camps and countries of refuge.

We are still watching the Palestinian refugees greatly suffering in the refugee camps and in other countries in which they have been forced to live for the last 6 decades. The Israeli killing machine added extra burdens after the Holocaust conducted against the people of Gaza, many of whom are refugees since 1948. The Israeli government is also still conducting extreme measures against them which exacerbate their suffering, especially the continuation of building the Apartheid wall, which destroyed the lives of tens of thousands and made them refugees in their homeland.

This year’s celebration is also coming while millions of Iraqi refugees are still living very difficult times inside their homeland or in the neighboring countries. Many of them are taking great risk in their journies to seek asylum in Western countries, including risk of losing their lives.

We also remember in this year’s celebration the increased suffering of refugees from Sudan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Chad and other countries that are living under miserable conditions.

In Australia, this year’s celebration comes while we are witnessing increased racism, despite the change of the extreme racist Liberal government 2 years ago. We witnessed recently how the Liberal party tried to exploit the desperation of few refugees who tried to make it to Australia after they were stranded in Indonesia for years. Their decision to try to end this desperation by traveling to Australia by boat, was portrayed as big national security threat by this extreme party. Unfortunately this exploitation was not seriously challenged by the Labor government or the small parties.

During the network’s celebration this year, we want to send important message to the Australian politicians. The message includes deep disappointment the refugees and their supporters are feeling the empty rhetoric the politicians promised them before the last election.

The government, with the support of the small allegedly progressive parties should have worked to change the policy fundamentally. They should have worked progressively to abandon the policy of mandatory detention, closing down all detention centres and increase the settlement services for refugees and asylum seekers. The government should also have worked to end the ordeal of asylum seekers stranded in Indonesia, by granting all of them permanent protection visa, especially many of them have relatives in Australia that will help them to settle smoothly in the country.

The government with the support of the small parties that allege of being progressive should have introduced fundamental changes to policy. This includes widening the definition of refugee to include statelessness and environmental refugees. Special attention should have been given to the people who suffered and still suffering for decades under the previous racistgovernment.

The celebration will be held next Friday 26 June 09, 7 pm at Vatan restaurant – 64 Auburn Rd, Auburn.

For media, you can contact Jamal Daoud, the SJN spokesperson, on 0424 163 667

Sunday, July 5, 2009

14 May 09

Digging for Racist Anti-Multicultural Votes: The Greens Reveal their True Colours

The Greens today unveiled their true regressive colours by entering the Muslim community bashing ring. The Greens sincere commitment to any social justice issue was always suspect, but they hid behind nice words about tolerance, social harmony and multiculturalism.

Clearly Al Amanah College has done its own research on the demand for their educational services. As a private organisation they could not afford to construct a facility for 1200 students if there was no demand for this. If John Kaye's statement is taken to its logical conclusion this should lead to his support for the school. Clearly there was a hidden agenda here.

“The Greens decided today that the time has come to pursue votes of racist closed-minded Australians who is feeling orphaned after the death of One-Nation and the defeat of John Howard in the last election” said Jamal Daoud, spokesperson for the Social Justice Network (SJN). “The Greens clearly has run out of any political agenda, so they are running behind the racist vote”

The Greens were obviously watching the growing numbers of racist people coming out of hiding to voice their Islamophobic ideas. The Greens also noticed that these people are desperate after all traditionally racist political forces failed to come and give them political cover for their Anti- Muslim behaviour.

“In a time where the Federal government is moving to curb these racist people and the Liberal opposition is holding back from offering them safe heaven for their destructive agenda, the Greens is coming forward to offer such an umbrella for them” said Mr Daoud.

The Greens MLC, John Kaye, was pathetic in his assumption that only Muslim students should be forced to attend public schools. His discriminatory remarks went even further to assume, again without scientific evidence, that only Muslim students have a “severe impact on residential streets”. The Greens MLC did not make the same assumption in regard to constructing Catholic or Jews schools.

The Greens party is really feeling the heat of losing its support in the areas with high numbers of Muslim voters. The last state election saw the reputation of the Greens crumble in areas like Auburn, Lakemba and Bankstown. The Greens were in panic mode and rushed to grab racist votes to keep its voting rate.

The Greens history of spreading Islamophobia is not new, but it is the first time that they in fact put out a media release to confirm it. The Greens were shamelessly beating up Islamophobic sentiments today.
The Greens organised on different occasions forums spreading Islamophobia, voted in the federal parliament in support of Anti-Muslim “Anti-Terrorism” laws and vetoed any Muslim official within the party. But in all these moves, they did it quietly and without any media coverage. This time they are proud to be Anti-Muslims and want every Australian to know this.

“The Greens is clearly looking to inherit One – Nation votes. This is not new for the Greens. They actually struck a deal with Pauline Hanson One Nation during the 2001 Federal election, and they got their preferences. This is how Greens senator Kerry Nettle was elected: by One Nation votes. They also struck a deal with the Liberals (who inherited One Nation’s votes after its collapse) on many occasions, including the Victorian state election, 2006” added Mr Daoud.
The Greens was even urging the Education Minister to use her power to bypass the judicial authority, to spread racism and Islamophobia. Last time when the former Premiere, Bob Carr, used his power to bypass the same court’s power in the case of Clyde Waste Dump, the Greens made this an election matter portraying it as “death of democracy” move. Such double standard is not new for this opportunist party.

We are happy that the Greens had decided to unveil its true face and true colours. But in the next election, The Greens should expect minimal votes from the Muslim community. The Greens should focus on the community they really represent: white racist regressive people.

For more information, Jamal Daoud can be contacted on 0424 163 667

10 May 09

SJN welcomes progressive moves in this year’s Federal budget

Despite deep reservations on earlier Labor federal government’s financial decisions, Social Justice Network (SJN) welcomes few progressive moves expected to be included in this coming budget.

“The SJN unreservedly opposed some measures in the stimulus package passed by Federal parliament in March, particularly handing out billion of dollars to middle and low income earners. The SJN believed that such money spree would not create one job” said Jamal Daoud, spokesperson of SJN. “Instead, the SJN hoped that the Federal parliament will approve spending this huge money on huge infrastructure projects. Such projects would create tens of thousands of jobs”.

But the recent announcements by Federal government need high applaud and support. The network supports particularly 2 proposed measures:
1-The introduction of means - testing for the government 30% rebate on private health insurance.
2-The proposed introduction of 18-week paid paternal leave scheme.

“The SJN declared from the beginning of its political campaign that it opposes the 30% rebate. It considered such rebate as waste of tax-payers money which benefited only middle and high income earners. This rebate also affected the government’s level of funding of public health services. This lead to greater suffering by users of public health services, who are mainly poor and marginlasied communities”

The network also praises the government for introducing the 18 – week paternal leave scheme. This introduction which would put Australia on the same steps as other nations, some of them are poor developing nations but are still having such legislation.

“While the network believes that 18 weeks do not live up to hopes of million of working families, but it is definitely a huge step forward away from previous regressive government’s refusal to legislate it” added Mr Daoud.
The network would like to congratulate the Labor Federal government for its courage to propose these changes, one of them are highly unpopular among some sections of privileged voters. It also condemns the silence of all senators representing “progressive” parties to support these important measures. These “progressive” parties which are playing as propaganda machine in the hands of regressive Liberal/National opposition, with no clear agenda. Their rhetoric of supporting “marginalised” and poor communities, turned to be no more than empty misleading statements used for merely electoral gains.

This is why to date these “progressive” parties were lagging behind even “conservative” parties on acting to rectify injustices against marginlasied communities. In fact they became part of the problem of maintaining these injustices. This is why growing numbers of Australians are voting informally or voting for independents in the last few elections. This was one of the reasons why SJN was established and will continue to campaign to expose the hypocrisy of these “privileged” senators claiming to represent poor and marginalised Australians.

For media interviews, you can contact Jamal Daoud on 0424 163 667

22 April 09

Churches joining Islamophobia stirring: Australia should stay secular society

The Camden Christian leaders today entered the Muslim community bashing ring by joining forces to try influencing the judicial system and stop the building of an Islamic school in the area. The churches even went further in spreading Islamphobia by accusing Islam of being “incompatible with the Australian way of life”.

“In doing this, the churches themselves are violating the fundamental basis of the Australian way of life by abandoning secularism” said Jamal Daoud, spokesperson of Social Justice Network (SJN). “The combined efforts by different churches were aimed at influencing the judicial system, in a move reminding us of medieval dark ages.”

Though this move is a stark violation of secularism in this country, the Churches could not give one shred of evidence to support the serious allegations they made against the Muslim community and Islam faith in general. These claims by churches would have serious setbacks for the serious efforts by many interfaith dialogues and community leaders to counteract racism and Islamophobia.

The letter did not mention any objections to building the school for development reasons. It also gave no indication on the impact on environment or noise. All that was mentioned in the letter was merely based on prejudice and racist feelings and opinions.

The seriousness of the allegations that it could result in widening the gap between the different communities in the area, and in Australia in general. This could result in other new Cronulla-like incidents and violence.

“The network is deeply disappointed by the complete silence from all political parties represented in the parliament and their failure to take any step to counteract these destructive allegations and claims” added Mr Daoud. “Even the so-called progressive small parties, who got a big slice of Muslim votes in the last elections, were deadly silent on this serious issue”.

“This complete silence should not surprise us. These parties made other Anti-Muslim allegations earlier, especially in the case of Bass Hill Islamic school. The community should remember this deadly silence, which amounts to complacency in the face of spreading Islamophobia and racism, when these political parties later start to hand out leaflets outside Muslim mosques during the next elections”

The network deeply condemns this letter and this violation to the basis of its incompatability with the Australian secular system. The network would support every step to counteract these destructive sentiments and allegations.

For more information, Jamal Daoud can be contacted on 0424 163 667

16 April 09

Labor government needs to act to end Asylum seeker fatalities

Today’s explosion on an asylum seekers’ boat off the northwest Australian coast and the subsequent Liberal officials’ insensitive hysterical comments is good evidence why the new Labor government should act immediately to prevent further human losses.

“Even before investigating what really happened, the Liberal premier was quick to start beating on racist drums to spread Anti-refugees sentiments” said Jamal Daoud, spokesperson for Social Justice Network (SJN). “The WA premier is reminding us of the dark ages of Liberal government games to win on xenophobic feelings, lies and divisions”

“Labor’s hesitation to end the suffering of around 2 thousand asylum seekers waiting in Indonesia for between 3 – 7 years for a third country to take them, is the real basis for today’s tragic loss”.

“Australia, as a member of the coalition states who participated in destroying Afghanistan and Iraq, should stand up for their international responsibilities and accept all Iraqi and Afghanis stranded in Indonesia.”

Many of these stranded people have family members in Australia, who can look after them and facilitate their smooth integration. Their Australian relatives had applied to the government to end their ordeal by granting them humanitarian visas that will cost Australia minimal financial commitments. The government had refused most of applications for humanitarian visa.

The network is satisfied with Labor’s handling of the Liberal bid to raise the racist xenophobic feelings, but urges it to take further steps.

The Labor government should reverse the regulations that exclude thousands of Australian islands from migration zones. Australia should resume its global leadership on humanitarian issues by restoring Australian humanitarian commitments.

In a time where millions of people are becoming refugees for several reasons, Australia should also increase its quota of refugees accepted. This will defuse calls from the Liberals to play on race card again. Australia has lost a lot of its reputation as a tolerant nation by playing race cards and crying foul against asylum seekers.

Australia is a signatory to the 1951 Geneva Convention to protect refugees and the subsequent protocol. This convention guarantees the rights of refugees and asylum seekers to move from their country of origin to any country they think will give them safety and freedom.

“The network supports the rights of displaced and oppressed people and people suffering persecution when they seek asylum in Australia. The network is also supporting Australia to lead negotiations to widen the international definition of refugee to include other newly emergent refugee populations, like environmental refugees and those who are stateless” said Mr Daoud

For more information, you can contact Jamal Daoud on 0424 163 67

18 March 09

Social Justice Network concludes its campaign “School Bags for Gaza children” with a fundraising dinner

Social Justice Network would like to thank everyone who made the campaign “School Bags for Gaza children” a successful one. The campaign was concluded by a fundraising dinner last Wednesday, 11 March 09, at Vatan restaurant in Auburn. Many community organizations and leaders participated in this dinner. We would like to especially thank Sheikh Hayder Al Simyany (representing Ahl Al Bait centre), representatives of women group at Gallipoli mosque, representatives of Alquds Palestinian community centre and all community members who participated in the dinner.

In the dinner there were speeches about the event and about the heroic resistance of Gaza people against the barbaric invasion. They also stressed the shameful stances of ALL Australian parties represented in the parliaments. These stances that ranged from totally supporting Israeli aggression or at best equating in condemnation of both the aggressors and the victims. The speeches vowed to make the Israeli crimes an issue of public interest in the next elections, to pressure the different parties to change their shameful stance.

During dinner, film about the history of Israeli massacres was shown.

The Network would like to send special thanks also to all media outlets that participated in covering and promoting the campaign activities. These include the ethnic and local media outlets. The network would like to especially thank SBS – Arabic program, ethnic media (especially Arabic newspapers) and the local newspapers in Auburn and Bankstown, the Auburn Review and the Torch.

The network would like to mention here that the campaign had resulted in collecting around half container load of clothes, shoes, school bags and children toys. These donated items were handed to representatives of AFIC on Thursday, 19 March 09. AFIC will arrange sending container of donated items to Gaza.

The campaign also collected so far around $4,500. The money will be handed soon to APHEDA for the purpose of buying school bags from Gaza local market.

The Network is happy with the result of the campaign. The most important for the network is that it empowered members of marginalised communities to take active steps to increase their participation in political, economical and social life of this great nation. Further steps will be taken to further this empowerment and participation. The network will announce these steps in according times.

For media contacts, you can contact Jamal Daoud, the network’s spokesperson, on 0424 163 667

30 January 09

Sydney café will be turned into exhibition gallery to collect “School Bags” for Gaza

Despite a massive imbalance in armaments, Israel declared a ceasefire after achieving only a minimal impact on the military capability of Hamas and other Palestinian resistance factions. This has to be seen as a shameful defeat of Israel – particularly when considering the horrific war crimes it committed in attempting to meet its military objectives.

This defeat must deflate the Israeli’s Middle East “Super Power Complex” – and the fear and destruction it brought in the Middle East for more than half a century.

We also believe that this victory would mean the end of any dream of creating New Middle East, based on ending any resistance to the aggression and occupation in a bid to facilitate looting the area’s resources and ending any Arab national dreams of freedom and sustainable development based on basis of social justice.

The result of the barbaric attacks on Gaza had reversed effects. It is widely believed now that this Palestinian resistance victory will indeed create a New Middle East – but one of a totally hue: a region free of occupation and religious extremists

In this instance the network condemn all who bet on the possibility of defeating the Palestinian resistance and the possibility of disarming it in less than a week. Those include the illegal Palestinian government in Ram Allah, regressive Arabic regimes and Westerners politicians who were dreaming of bringing back the era of colonisation to rob nations’ resources by direct military occupation. We saw how many of those politicians used the slogan of “Israel has the right to defend itself” to justify Israeli barbaric massacres.

Locally, we saw near total silence from Australian politicians – rather than unequivocal condemnation of Israeli barbaric massacres. Apart from Labor MP, Julia Irwin, all other Australian politicians were silent in one way or other. Some chose to side publicly with Israel. Other chose to hide behind “understanding the rights of Israel to defend itself against Hamas missiles”. It was up to one courageous Mrs Julia Irwin to condemn the occupation as the cause of the cycle of violence, instead of only condemning the Israeli use of “disproportionate force”.

We, in the SJN, had condemned from the first day the Israeli barbaric actions against Gazan. We also emphasise here that we will do all in our capacity to continue supporting Palestinians until they enjoy freedom and dignified life, as any other nation in this world

In this regard an exhibition about Israeli massacres against Palestinians and other people in the region has been orgainsed in coordination with Titanic Café, Sydney. During this exhibition we will collect donations to buy school bags for children of Gaza. These donations will be given to Australian international aid organisations to be delivered to Gaza.

The exhibition will be on Saturday 31 January 09 from 10 am – 6 pm. The official speeches will be at 2 pm. The address is: Titanic café, 49 Raymond St, Bankstown.

For any further information, you can contact Jamal Daoud, network’s convenor, on 0424 163 667

4 January 09

Israeli holocaust against Gaza:Israeli crimes in Gaza and Palestine should end now

The Social Justice Network is condemning in the strongest words the Israeli crimes against Palestinians in Gaza and other Palestinian occupied territories. The network considers that these crimes are definitely mounting to crimes against humanity, which require urgent international action to bring their perpetrators to justice. Surprisingly enough that all this and the international community is watching carelessly with no action to stop these crimes and atrocities.

“We are very concerned about the international community’s hypocrisy when it comes to Israel’s treatment” said Jamal Daoud, the spokesperson of the Social Justice Network. “Israel is ignoring all international humanitarian treaties, especially IV Geneva Convention regarding treatment of population under occupation, killing people indiscriminately. Israel is becoming very bold in the way it commits mass murders brazenly thus we hear its minister is declaring openly that the Israeli government will order its army to conduct holocaust against Palestinians. Yet, the international community did not move to punish or isolate this renegade state”

“The heightened hypocrisy of the UN and the international community was in its clearest display yesterday. The Security Council was paralysed to adopt resolution calling on Israel to stop its war crimes in Gaza. The Secretary-General was even equating between killing hundreds of civilians and the desperate launching of missiles into Israeli settlements, built on illegally confiscated lands”

The Palestinians were subjected to ethnic cleansing since 1948, their rights as human being was and is still grossly violated, their elected parliamentarians are illegally detained and their lands are grossly confiscated daily. Yet, the Security Council failed to adopt resolution to enforce Israel to stop all these violations and atrocities.

In these sad moments, we stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people under Israeli occupation. We condemn the international community silence on Israeli crimes and gross violation to human rights.

The Network will participate in the vigils planed to be observed outside American consulate, Martin Place, on this coming Wednesday and Thursday to raise the awareness among Australians on this important social justice issue. We note also the deadly silence of most of Australian politicians to demand justice for Israeli aggression’s victims.

The vigils will start from 5 pm on both days.

The international community should act soon to force Israel to stop its declared holocaust on Palestinian people in Gaza and to recognize and to implement international treaties and laws.

The network demands all Israeli generals and politicians who participated in planning and carrying on these war crimes brought to justice, to face the same justice the Nazi generals and politicians faced following their crimes in Europe during the II World War.

For media interviews, you can call Jamal Daoud on 0413 467 367

17 December 08

Social Justice NetworkSJN praises the bravery act of Iraqi journalist:
War criminals should be treated with contempt by all means!

Social Justice Network hails the act of Iraqi journalist to throw his shoe on war criminal George W Bush as heroic one. His act should be inspirational for millions who opposed war crimes initiated or supported by the outgoing American president in Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine and around the world.

“The American president should be met with similar actions everywhere he goes to feel the deep contempt to him and his administration for their war crimes and gross human rights violation” said Jamal Daoud, spokesperson for SJN. “The feel of hate towards this administration is at its peak at the moment for good justifiable reasons”

“The wide spread support for Mr Zaydi’s action is good indication of the resistance to cruel inhuman agenda of the new conservatives in the western countries”

“People is demonstrating in support of this action of contempt almost in every capital city in the world. George Bush should end his presidency with deep feel of shame and disgust”

“The network is trying to establish communication with the jorno’s family to offer any needed support to see him released with high dignity. The network will offer him an honorary membership of the network, who opposed every action taken by this war criminal”

The network’ members opposed totally the wars on Afghanistan and Iraq. They opposed the Bush administration’s blind support of the criminal activities of Israeli government. They also opposed the socio-economic agenda of his government, which served big corporation, and resulted in the worst economic meltdown in contemporary history. A meltdown that would have serious and devastating consequences on all of us, regardless of the country we reside in.
The Network also praise the new innovative method of direct action used by this brave journalist. The network would try to adopt it and similar innovative methods in their actions on local issues.

For more info, Jamal Daoud can be contacted on 0413 200 465

7 December 08

Auburn council’s funds freeze fiasco: real agendas unveiled

The Social Justice Network (SJN) welcomes the decision by Auburn Council last Wednesday to lift the freeze of funding for Auburn Neighbourhood Community Aid Centre (ANCAC). The SJN can proudly claim that its campaign among residents helped end this “embarrassing debate”, as described by the Mayor on an earlier occasion.

“This fiasco, which was created by the Greens Councillor, was important to unveil many facts and many real agendas” said Jamal Daoud, SJN spokesperson. “The first fact that was unveiled is that the Greens is another regressive political force that was hiding behind slogans of social justice”.

The fiasco in fact ended the Greens self-declared monopoly on progressiveness in the council, and in the Australian political arena in general. Trying to cut funding of ANCAC, The Greens was targeting the most marginalised people in Australia. Not only this. The Greens councillor entered an unholy alliance with the far-right Liberal party councillors.

“The Greens Councillor, Malikeh Michaels, swallowed all her election promises to fight against developers and real estate agents on the council. In fact, she entered an alliance with Liberal and Unity councillors of mainly developers and real estate agents”

After this fiasco, who can believe the Greens mythical promises to represent the needy and marginalised people in Auburn (and in Australia in general)? This is surely a question which remains hanging for the Greens Party to prove itself.

“The Greens proved to be strong when the issue was about closing down illegally operated brothels in residential areas, or it was about shutting down injecting rooms. But when it is about shutting down a noble organisation that helps very poor people meet their basic food needs, the Greens was the one who actively moved this motion, twice”

The other lesson from this fiasco is that there is another political organisation that will help “keep the bastards honest” on Council. Our organisation proved that it has the commitment and the ability to fight for the rights of needy marginalised citizens. The people of Auburn and NSW are watching very closely our campaigns and achievements.

“The people of Auburn and NSW now have an alternative voice to resort to when they have problems or issues of a social justice nature. The group is already campaigning on many issues of social justice. These include draconian Anti-Terrorism laws, the highly discriminatory citizenship test, delays in granting permanent visas or citizenship, and under-representation of marginalised people in decision making bodies.”

Now, Auburn residents know who kept their promises and who was selling them empty election promises. The latter it seem includes not only Greens councillor Malikeh Michaels, but also perhaps unwittingly Clr Izzet Anmak. His main election promise was to represent local residents’ interests, and not political parties’ agendas. Instead he was dragged into serving the Greens-Liberals agenda in their bid to destabilise state Labor government, but at local residents’ expense.

For more information, you can contact Jamal Daoud on 0424 163 667

3 December 08

Aminov desperate action today: Minister for immigration should act now before Kiyany-like disaster happens

The Social Justice Netowrk is urging the minister of immigration, Sen. Chris Evans to act in the case of Aminov’s family before its late. The SJN reminds the minister that all Aminov’s family members are mentally insable after 11 years of insecurity, and any of them can take despearte action, including end their life.

“We have been warning the Rudd government of real pssoibility of deperate action by members of Aminov family in a bid of attracting attention to their suffering” said Jamal Daoud, spokesperson of SJN. “The minister is either did not read the report on his desk about the deteriorating mental health status of the family members. Or may be he is just ignoring these repoorts, which include clear warnings of the worst to come soon if action will not be taken”

“This time the police could convince the son not to end his life. It is highly likely that if the minister will continue ignoring this issue, the next time could have fatal consequencies”
“What shock all of us is the sensless action by Labor MP, James Goodard.

“DIAC is still operating under the same Liberal’s culture of racism, deception and cover-up. DIAC told the family and me in several meetings last month while trying to convince the family to end their hunger strike, that the Minister is personally interested in ending their 11 year long ordeal. This week, Mr Hassan Sowiad from DIAC, called the son Marat and told him that the family has no case and if they would not appoint a migration agent to manage the case, the case would not have any chance of succeeding”
“The son Marat has since then been in shock. He then refused to talk to any of the department’s officals, and instead sent them the attached email. The whole family had been in shock since then”

“The SJN supports the family in their decision to resume their hunger strike and to travel to Canberra this coming Monday” added Mr Daoud. “The family will do all in its capacity to somehow meet either the Minister of this portfolio or his boss, the Prime Minister”

“The network is holding the Minister morally and legally responsibile for any fatal consequences of his department’s culture of deception and playing with people’s lives and mental status” said Mr Daoud.

The family and its supporters will travel this Monday, 1 December, to Canberra and will be outside protesting on full hunger strike from 10 am.

For more information you can contact Jamal Daoud on 0424 163 667

30 November 08

Granting Dr Bernhard Moeller permanent visa: when will the Minister act to end Aminovs’ 11 years ordeal?
While the Social Justice Network (SJN) welcomes the Minister for Immigration’s exercise of his dicresionary power to grant Dr Moeller a permanent visa regardless of the cost of caring for his disabled child, it leaves the Network wondering why the Minister did not act in such an immediate way in other more urgent long-standing ordeals.

“It is very clear that the Minister is only interested in intervening in cases of a high-profile nature that fit within the mentality of the mainstream majority of White Australian voters. The Minister would act immediately just one day after the tribunal’s refusal of the case of a Christian European professional. But when it is a case of poor Muslim refugees, the Minister is refusing to act 11 years after the tribunal’s refusal” said Jamal Daoud, spokesperson of SJN. “The Department of Immigration is clearly still operating under the harsh racist guidelines of the Howard- Ruddock’s era”

“DIAC is still operating under the same Liberal’s culture of racism, deception and cover-up. DIAC told the family and me in several meetings last month while trying to convince the family to end their hunger strike, that the Minister is personally interested in ending their 11 year long ordeal. This week, Mr Hassan Sowiad from DIAC, called the son Marat and told him that the family has no case and if they would not appoint a migration agent to manage the case, the case would not have any chance of succeeding”

“The son Marat has since then been in shock. He then refused to talk to any of the department’s officals, and instead sent them the attached email. The whole family had been in shock since then”

“The SJN supports the family in their decision to resume their hunger strike and to travel to Canberra this coming Monday” added Mr Daoud. “The family will do all in its capacity to somehow meet either the Minister of this portfolio or his boss, the Prime Minister”

“The network is holding the Minister morally and legally responsibile for any fatal consequences of his department’s culture of deception and playing with people’s lives and mental status” said Mr Daoud.

The family and its supporters will travel this Monday, 1 December, to Canberra and will be outside protesting on full hunger strike from 10 am.

For more information you can contact Jamal Daoud on 0424 163 667

21 November 08

Auburn council decision: disgraceful motion for cheap political gain

The Social Justice Network (SJN) agrees with Auburn Mayor, Clr Simms, that yesterday’s motion to continue freezing the fund for Auburn Neighbourhood Community Aid Centre (ANCAC) is in fact “an embarrassment to council”.

Last night’s motion moved by Greens Clr Malikeh Michaels was a clear indication about the political game the “Greens – Liberal” alliance will play in this council’s term.

The Greens who moved enthusiastically this motion should be ready to take the full moral and political responsibility for this disgraceful move.

“During email exchanges between Clr Michaels and me last week, she said that her motion was to “stop nepotism and bring more accountability to the council businesses” said Jamal Daoud, spokesperson for SJN.

To this point she was using the same empty rhetoric that the Greens used for the last decade to win votes from marginalised communities. But let us put facts to this rhetoric:
1- Ms Michaels was making these accusations about Mrs Barbara Curtin, who is the wife of Labor Clr Pat Curtin, to link her with wrong doing of a “nepotism” nature. In this instance we note:
a- Mrs Curtin is the head of Management Committee of ANCAC for less than 18 months. The funding of the council to the organisation goes back to about 2 decades.
b- Mrs Curtin is not a paid manager or worker in the organisation.
c- There were no official complaints from council workers or from the public indicating any kind of wrong-doing or suspicious practices of this particular organisation.
d- The organisation showed high accountability practices by providing the council with monthly minutes of its meetings and financial statements.
e- The organisation never distributed political materials on its premises encouraging people to vote Labor in any previous elections.

2- The motion and the excuses used to justify it indicate very clearly that Ms Michaels has no commitment to issues of social justice. It also shows very clearly that Clr Michaels is lacking any understanding of how the non-government not-for-profit organisations are operating and getting their funds. I would like to explain to Clr Michaels that many of the programs and funds are called “recurrent” funding. The funding bodies would not require renewal of applications for funding every year, as long as the needs and the issues are still there.

“We are not surprised by the Greens representative’s motion. The history of the Greens is one of talking a lot about marginalised people but delivering very little” added Mr Daoud.

“When the issue was about closing down illegally operated brothels in residential areas, or it was about shutting down injecting rooms, the Greens were very active campaigning against these decisions as if the sky is about to fall down. But when it is about shutting down a noble organisation that helps very poor people meet their basic food needs, the Greens was the one who actively moved this motion, twice”

“It is clear that Clr Michaels’ intentions were to generate some public support. We will enable her to do so. We will do everything in our capacity to make this issue an issue of public interest, and let the mostly poor and marginalised residents of Auburn decide”

“It is worrying when the Greens enter secret alliance with the Liberals, disregarding the shameful deeply regressive practices of the Liberal state and federal governments. In Auburn where thousands of its residents were tortured for years in the notorious detention centres of Woomera, Curtain, Port Headland … we find it very unprincipled and opportunistic to enter such an alliance. The Greens was the one who benefited from trading on the suffering of these thousands of refugees for electoral gain for the last few years”

Even locally, it is very alarming to see the Greens Clr who ran her election campaign against the greed of developers and real estate agents, entering now a sacred secret alliance with these developers and agents, against the interests of highly marginalised and very poor Auburn residents

We note here our deep disappointment at Clr Izzet Anmak’s stance. He should have asked himself how would such motion affect the life of Auburn residents, and then vote accordingly.

We will announce in due course what actions we will take. From the daily comments of Auburn residents about this issue, we are sure that the councillors who decided to take this path will regret supporting this motion.

For more information, you can contact Jamal Daoud on 0424 163 667

18 September 08

SJN’s results in Auburn council election: First step to build up real alternative
While the final results of the last weekend’s councils election will not be fully known for some time, there are a few early conclusions to be made.

“The Social Justice Group’s first-ever election campaign, especially in the First Ward – Auburn council, had significant impact on the results” said Jamal Daoud, the candidate for the group in that ward. “Even though the campaign did not result in election of the group’s candidate, it had impact on the other parties’ results”

The group can claim comfortably and proudly that its campaign resulted in swing against the Liberals of more than 4%. The campaign also denied a spot for the Greens candidate in this ward. These conclusions can be easily made if we remember that the Liberals and the Greens got huge swing towards their candidates in almost every council ward across the state, except Auburn – first ward.

If we add to this the high informal vote (higher than the state average and the previous election’s in the ward), we can understand the huge impact of the group’s campaign on the results.

“The group, while disappointed at the result of its candidates, understands the circumstances leading to it. The group’s candidates were subjected to very dirty tactics, especially from the party that claim to be progressive and advocating for “clean politics”. These tactics involved spreading racial and sectarian division in the community” said Mr Daoud. “In addition, the group’s lead candidate is very new to the area, and the campaign operated on a very tight budget”

The group emerged from the campaign more insistent on campaigning for their agenda and platform. The growing residents’ support gives the group more determination to continue the campaign for a better Australia.

The group is assessing its future campaign options. This include gathering momentum to form wide-ranging allies with members of marginalised communities to form a political coalition to work towards real multiculturalism and better representation of marginalised people in decision-making bodies.

The group would like to mention the lack of any political campaign by ALL other political parties. These parties were happy to conduct apolitical campaigns based on cleaning streets and stopping high rise building. The SJG was the only group talking about politics and socio-economic changes to society. By doing this, ALL other political parties were just avoiding community accountability to their earlier promises.

The group will keep up the campaign for a better Australia, through working towards real multiculturalism and better sharing of power and control, especially in key decision making bodies.

For more info, you can contact Jamal Daoud on 0424 163 667

10 September 08

Result of Lyne by election: strong message of community dissatisfaction with ALL political parties

The Social Justice Network watched very closely the result of the week-end by election in the NSW seat of Lyne. The result there confirmed what the network was arguing for the last few years. It proved that the community’s dissatisfaction with the existing political parties is growing very fast amongst Australians, especilly from marginalised communities. This was the main platform for the campaign in this coming local government election: to give the community an alternative choice.

“When an Independent candiate scores more than 60% of the primary votes, far exceeding the Nationals (who traditioanlly control this seat) and the Greens (who usually present themselves as an alternative party but scored less than 8%), this has a lot of messages from the community” said Jamal Daoud, spokepserson for the Network. “The community sent an unequivocal and clear message of dissatisfaction by voting independent, and rejecting existing political parties”

“It is very clear that Lyne voters have sent a meesage that they would not buy anymore the political parties’ empty promises, and they would prefer actions not only talks”

“Close study of this by-election result would reveal the deep political crisis in Australia at the moment. The simple conclusion of these results is that the voters could not differentiate between political parties’ real stances and positions. This is why in Lyne, voters chose to vote for a reliabe independent”

“If we add the results of last federal election, where independent Nick Xeonophon was able to get more votes than the Greens and the Democrats combined, we can realise the deep credibility crisis in the Australian political arena” added Mr Daoud.

“We expect that the next council election will deliver similar results, where many local independents will be elected ahead of many political parties. That would be true translation of the crisis we mentioned above”

"The Network is very happy that the community has started to ask these political parties, especially the ones who promoted themselves as pro-social justice, how effective they were in representing the interests of the community, and not the interest of parties’ machines and hierarchy. The Network considers this to be a very positive sign for the future”

In this local government election, the Social Justice Network is advocating that citizens vote for those who did act on issues important to the community, and not who just said nice words

The Network is runing candidates in 2 councils : in Auburn Council (First Ward) and in Canterbury Council (Central Ward). By running these candidates, the group believes that the voters of these areas will be able to send a strong message that voters, if presented with a credible alternative, will not continue to vote for traditional exisiting parties. This would enrich the politcal life in this great nation.

For more info about the campaign, you can contact the group’s spokesperson Jamal Daoud on 0424 163 667

2 September 08

The reasons why SJG did not preference Labor: Human Rights issues are always first

The Social Justice group decided last night not to go ahead with the preference deal initially struck with Labor in Auburn Council election (first Ward), and possible deal in Canterbury – Central Ward.

“The group decided not to go ahead with the deal after carefully assessing latest Labor stances on many issues” said Jamal Daoud, the group’s lead candidate for Auburn and the spokesperson for the group. “The Labor deeply disappointed us on many human rights issues and issues concerning marginalised communities”

“The group decided to run for the council election not only to fight for local issues like fighting overdevelopment in the area or to clean the streets of the area, but on broad range of issues that are of deep concern for the voters, especially from marginalised groups. The main issue was real Multiculturalism and equal access to decision making bodies”

The decision of the group came after repeated deeply disappointing responses from different Labor ministers (both federal and state) on wide range of issues the group had communicated them for. The latest was the heartless highly inhumane and arrogant letter regarding the long standing ordeal of Aminovs family”

“The letter, if added to other letters from the same minister and other Labor federal and state ministers, gave a very good indication where the Labor is going and taking Australia to. Any hope that Labor will get rid of highly inhumane Coalition policies and practices should be evaporated by now”

“It is very clear that every human rights activist in this country should take off gloves and join forces to enforce this highly regressive government to back off from this bath”
When we add to all this arrogance of the Premiere and his government in general and arrogance in dealing with the issue of power sale against the public demands not to do so, that was enough for the group to decline going ahead with the preference deal.

We should mention here that the group had decided from the beginning not to even negotiate to swap preference with the regressive far -right Liberal party. We also decided not to negotiate with the Greens party, who is lead by opportunist racist hierarchy who is standing firmly against real multiculturalism and empowering of marginalised groups in the community

We will advocate the voters who want to send a strong message about human rights issues, especially issues of working towards real multiculturalism and empowering margnialised groups to lead the struggle for equal representation and share of common wealth, to vote 1 for group C in Auburn council – first Ward and vote 1 for group G in Canterbury council – Central Ward.

For more information, you can contact Jamal Daoud, the lead candidate for First Ward – Auburn council on 0424 163 667

28 August 08

Social Justice Network's candidates meet community leaders

The campaigners for Local Government elections from the Social Justice Group are very happy with the response received from the public so far in the campaign.

“The public in Auburn has showed great support for the campaign, while expressing a big loss of confidence in existing political parties. It has been very encouraging” said Jamal Daoud, candidate of the group in First Ward – Auburn Council.

“The group’s main reason to run in this election is to present a voice for the voiceless marginalised groups and to present a credible alternative to the existing parties.”

As well as meeting with ordinary members, the group met with many community leaders last Sunday at the home of the group's candidate for Auburn.

“We believe in grass-rooted campaigning and not campaigning through media advertisement or empty promises before each elections. This is why we were meeting with community members and leaders on a regular basis to listen to their issues and ideas on how we can cooperate to best represent their interests” said Mr Daoud.

“The community members and leaders expressed their concerns about the overdevelopment of the area by construction of high – rising building without enough facilities, infrastructure including green open spaces. They expressed their concern about the heavy representation of real estate agents, developers and other business people on the council, as they have natural conflict of interest”

“The whole campaign has been based on grass roots campaigning among the communities of Auburn and Canterbury. The response from community members and leaders is fantastic” Said Mr Daoud

“The community leaders and members recall very clearly the activities, campaigns and stances of the group's candidates and members in support of the needs and interests of the marginalised communities”

“We expect to get many votes from refugees, Muslims, Arabs and other members of marginalised communities. They remember and appreciate the group's continuous actions to fight attacks on refugees, war on Iraq, and racism and their efforts to support other social justice campaigns.”

The group campaigns in this election on the slogan of working towards “practical multiculturalism” with equal representation of the marginalised groups in the decision making process.

For more information or media interviews, you can call the group's candidate for Auburn Council – First Ward, Jamal Daoud on 0424 163 667

28 July 08

Social Justice Network to run candidates in the coming local council elections:
Action means more than Nice Talk.

With the dissatisfaction with the existing political parties growing amongst Australians, especilly from marginalised communities, the Social Justice Network decided to present alternatives in 2 councils elections. The main platform for the campaign would be promoting real Multiculturalism and the issues of low representation of marginalised people in decision making processes.

"It is not important what the different political parties are saying about these issues. What is more important is what they actually do to fulfil their committments" said Jamal Daoud, spokesperson of the Network and the Network's candidate in Auburn. "

"The community should ask these political parties, especially the ones who promoted themselves as pro-Multiculturalism and pro-social justice, how many people from marginalised groups they promoted to parliaments or in their hierarchy, and what practical steps they took to promote full participation by marginalised groups in society."

“It is very clear that these political parties were happy to talk extensively before each election about social justice issues, just for self promotion to get the votes of these groups. But when it comes to taking practical steps, these parties would stop short of taking any.”

The Social Justice Network believes that it is time to send an unequivocal message of dissatisfaction to all existing political parties.

“In the last state and federal election there was a large protest vote against major parties. This was wrongly translated as a message of confidence in the smaller parties. In fact, these smaller parties did not take any practical steps to defend Multiculturalism, let alone promote it. The problem was that the voters were not presented with any credible and real alternative. That is why there was such a high informal vote,” said Mr Daoud.

In this local government election, the Social Justic Network is advocating that citizens vote for those who did act on issues, and not who just said nice words. The most important issues in many parts of Sydney is promotion of real multiculturalism.

“Multiculturalism for us is not a code word. It is a practical commitment to equal participation in the decision making process.”

The Network will run candidates in 2 councils : candidates in Auburn Council (First Ward) and candidates in Canterbury Council( Central Ward). By running these candidates, the group believes that the voters of these areas will be able to send a strong message that voters, if presented with a credible alternative, will not vote informally or for the smaller parties.

For more info about the campaign, you can contact the group’s spokesperson Jamal Daoud on 0424 163 667

11 June 08

Social Justice Network celebrates the World Refugee Day:
Special occasion to value the contributions of refugees in our society

This year’s World Refugees Day coincides with the 60th Anniversary of occupying Palestine and creating the worst and longest refugees crisis in contemporary history. The Social Justice Network will dedicate its annual celebration to remember the Palestinians who are still living as refugees in camps in their own country or elsewhere in other countries around the world.

“In this year’s celebration of the World Refugees Day, the Social Justice Network will celebrate with the Australian community the resilience of the victims of the Israeli aggression against the Palestinians and other Arabic neighbouring countries” said Jamal Daoud, the spokesperson for the network.

“We note here that the Palestinians are the largest refugee ethnic group. There are estimated more than 5 million Palestinians refuges after the creation of Israel 60 years ago and one in every three Palestinian lives as a refugee”

On the night, speakers will include Julia Irwin, federal member for Fowler and strong supporter of the Palestinian Refugees rights. She will address the audience with her experience when she toured the Palestinian camps inside historical Palestine

The other guest speaker will be DR Zev Osdowski, former Australian Human Rights Commissioner who commissioned many reports about the former Australian government harsh treatment of refugees and asylum seekers.

There will be many refugees and asylum seekers present at the night as special guests on the night” Said Mr Daoud. “There will be also entertainment by refugees from different cultural background”

We will celebrate the courage of refugees around the world, their success and there resilience to the harsh circumstances they’ve encountered on their journey and we’ll also celebrate their success and achievements in Australia.

On the night we will remember the suffering of thousands of refugees during the era of the previous federal government. Although the network acknowledges that the new Labor government had taken few steps in the right direction, it notices that the new federal government is moving very slowly to change the harsh anti-refugees policies inherited from the Liberal government. The network praises the Labor government for ending the pacific solution and for scraping the TPV system. But it calls on the Labor government to do more to restore humanity in our system by abolishing mandatory detention policy and restore all settlement services which were available to them before.

The celebration will be on Friday, 20 June 2008 at 8 for 8:30 pm at the Grand Westella reception centre, 12 Bridge Street, Lidcombe.

For media interviews, you can call Jamal Daoud on 0424 163 667

11 February 08

Aminovs and Bseem’s families take their struggle to Federal Parliament: Open hunger strike till end of our ordeals!
After 11 years of living in fear, stress and uncertainty, the Aminovs and Bseem families decided to take their struggle to the Australian Federal Parliament. The two families had given up on the humanity of the new Labor government and will declared an open hunger strike on the grass outside Federal Parliament from Monday 13 October 2008.

“The families were praying for the last year for the defeat of the racist Howard government in deep hope that any new Labor government would move immediately to end their 11 year ordeal. The two families, after disappointing replies from the new Labor minister for immigration & citizenship, realized that their hope was not more than a mirage” said Jamal Daoud, spokesperson of Social Justice Network, one of the supporter organizations of the families action. “This action is a desperate last ditch effort of families that are without any hope of an end to their ordeal”

“My family did not commit any crime when they moved to Australia to end their desperate stateless status” said Marat Aminov, the Australian permanent resident and the only son of the family. “My parents would not be able to wait for another 17 years before they can have peace of mind and settle in Australia as permanent residents”

The department asked the Aminov family to either pay nearly $60,000.00 to be able to get permanent residence in a very short time, or wait for up to 17 years until their permanent visa would be approved.

Bseem Mohammed has gone through a similar ordeal for the last 11 years. He has been waiting for security check results for the last 1.5 years.

“In the latest contact with the department, they were unable to let me know about any time frame for my visa application to be approved, as they are waiting for ASIO security clearance” said Bseem Mohammed. “This deadly slow process of visa processing has resulted in deep depression, high blood pressure and high cholesterol for both of me and my wife.”

The protest will involve an open hunger strike outside Federal Parliament House in Canberra, until the minister will find these families an immediate solution to their ordeals. Both families are determined to continue on hunger strike, even if it will result in deep harm to them.

The Social Justice Network is holding the department of immigration and Citizenship and the minister responsible for all consequences, including the possible death of any of the protesters. 2 of these protesters are old people with many medical conditions. This is in addition to the deep mental health problems of all members of both families, developed as a result of their long ordeal on bridging visas.

For more information, you can contact Jamal Daoud on 0424 163 667 or Marat Aminov on 0403 255 517

22 October 07

Social Justice Network to campaign to get rid of John Howard’s government
With the election date being confirmed to take place on 24 November this year, the Social Justice Network (SJN) in Sydney with the rest of Australia will go over the devastating setbacks that occurred during the last few years.

“We have witnessed deep social division, including increased racial and religious hatred which targeted certain sections of the Australian society” said Jamal Daoud, the spokesperson of the Social Justice Network.

“We also witnessed a huge gap created between rich and poor, a result of Federal government’s workplace relations, taxation policies and the huge cuts on spending on services”

Thus, we are witnessing wide community’s enthusiastic efforts to get rid of the deeply regressive John Howard’s government

“While we have a lot of reservations on Labor’s policies and practices, we do acknowledge that it is the best outcome we can achieve at this moment” Said Mr Daoud. “Until we are able to consolidate our efforts to build an alternative political force that put the welfare of all Australians first on its agenda, we want to see Howard’s government end, as first step to regain some humanity and justice in the society”

“We will advocate the voters in this election campaign to send a clear message of rejecting War on Iraq and Afghanistan, rejecting racism and Work Choices laws”

The Network will distribute thousands copies of the attached leaflet to voters in certain electorates, to indicate that voters should look seriously at how they should vote to make their voices be heard. We will also talk to groups as well as individuals to achieve the goals of the campaign.

For more info, you can call Jamal Daoud on 0424 163 667

17 July 07

Continued detention of Dr Haneef: an abuse of draconian laws for political agenda

The Social Justice Network condemns the Howard’s government abuse of power by canceling the working visa of Dr Haneef and placing him in detention centre, to avoid releasing him on bail. This is a clear denying of the principle of presumption of innocence until proven guilty in all civilized nations.

The Network regards the charges against Dr Haneef to be political to serve the election agenda for Howard government. The charges were laid even after Federal Police admitted lack of any evidence against the Indian - born doctor.

"The Howard government knew that, by releasing Dr Haneef, it will face huge embarrassment and possible massive compensation claims for misusing the draconian Anti-Terror laws" said Jamal Daoud, spokesperson for Social justice Network. "The Howard government preferred to lay charges in bid to delay the backlash until after the federal election expected later in the year. When the court granted him bail, the government resorted to the abuse of the Migration Act to keep him away from the community and the media

" We know that such trials are taking few years in the courts. We remember how long it took Mr Zak Mallah and Jack Thomas to prove their innocence.

The government learned that Dr Haneef would sue the government after his release for illegal detention and for damages to his career and on his mental status. The government wanted to delay such process until after the coming election.

The bungle showed how draconian is the Anti-Terror laws, introduced by the government between 2002 - 2004. Dr Haneef was arrested on no basis, with no evidence of criminal activities. The Anti Terrorism laws enabled the Federal Police to wrongly arrest the doctor. The Federal Police arrested the Indian doctor on suspicion only.

"The draconian Anti- Terror laws are ignoring the presumption of innocence of each citizen" said Mr Daoud "this takes us few centuries backward to Middle ages era"

The whole issue was abused from the first moment by the Howard government to try to score few political points that it is tough on "terrorism" and that it is very serious on protecting the Australian public. This reminds us of all previous attempts by this government to deceive Australians by false claims to spread fears in the community and secure re-election. This is clearly another attempt to repeat the “Tampa”, “kids overboard” and “Iraqi Weapons of Mass Destruction” lies.

There is growing evidence that using the draconian Anti-Terrorism laws did not help at all in combating terrorism or in making Australia safer. On the contrary, it further marginalised large section of the community, which could in turn play role in the radicalisation of community members. These laws should be scraped; Dr Haneef and all innocents arrested according to these laws should be released. These innocent people should be properly compensated.

For media interviews, you can call Jamal Daoud on 0424 163 667

2 July 2007

The Australian Federal government should admit that Iraq invasion was the real factor behind attacks on Westerners
The Social justice Network notes that John Howard and his government are refusing to tell the truth and admit the real factors behind the increase of violent attacks on Western targets and interests around the world.

“John Howard is saying that the reason behind the UK bombing attempts was that some community members just “hate our way of life” .This is clear reference to Muslim community in Australia and Britian” said Jamal Daoud, the spokesperson for the network. “John Howard did not tell us why the Irish Republican Army conducted a fierce military campaign, including bombings in London, against the British occupation of Ireland. The Irish Catholics are certanily not Muslims, but westerners”

John Howard and his attorney general did not tell us the relationship between the increased threats against British and Australian and the participation of Australia and Britain in Iraq invasion. They did not tell us too what the fridge magnets did to stop Bali bombings, just after the invasion, or London bombings, July 2005”

John Howard did not tell us if he considers Sweden or Switzerland to be non- Western countries. No violence or threats were conducted in Sweden or Switzerland or against their interests around the world.

It is very clear that Howard and his attorney general cannot stop the campaign of deception to cover up the lies they fabricated to justify the invasion of Iraq, 2003. The network notes that the Security Council confirmed last week the campaign of lies and deception to justify the invasion of Iraq, by ending the mission of UN inspectors of weapons of mass destruction.

The Network notes that John Howard’s allegations were in clear controversy to many experts’ reports and comments that the real factor behind the increased attacks on Australian, British and American interests was the invasion of Iraq. These experts include Australian Federal Police commissioner and other intelligence experts.

The Network notes that the waste of tax-payers money to produce fridge magnets or build anti-terrorism laboratories will not help to make Australia safer. The only way to achieve this is by withdrawing troops from Iraq and Afghanistan, stop supporting American aggressive policies, stop supporting Israeli crimes against its neighbours and stop targeting Muslim communities in Australia.

The Australian government should admit that the so-called “anti-terrorism” campaign did not do much to make Australia safer place. This campaign resulted in clear deterioration of civil liberties and increased the feeling of marginalisation of many community members. The only way to reduce the risk of terror attacks in Australia is by voting Howard out of office in the coming federal election expected later in this year.

For media interviews, you can call Jamal Daoud, the spokesperson for the network, on 0424 163 667

26 June 2007

The Australian Federal government should remove Hizboullah from the lists of terrorist organizations
The Social justice Network would like to support strongly the many voices of community leaders and members to remove Hizboullah from the list of terrorist organisation. The network notes that the Australian government is going against the international will by supporting blindly the Israeli aggression against its neighbours.

“The Australian government decided on June 2003 to list Hizboullah's military wing as a terrorist ogranisation despite the UN and EU refusal to put the party on the list of terrorist organizations” said Jamal Daoud, the spokesperson for the network. “This also came despite the fact that the party is represented in the Lebanese Parliament and Cabinet. Its military arm was regarded to be legitimate by the Lebanese government and parliament, according to Taif agreement, 1989”

The party and its military arm is not conducting any military operations outside the Lebanese border, never vowed to carry out indiscriminate violence acts against Westerners and has never been involved in any.

The Network notes too that Phillip Ruddock, when reused to ban Hizb ut Tahrir, January 2007, said that “Hizb ut Tahrir is being monitored but its activities in Australia do not warrant banning it”. The network notes in this regard that Hizboullah Party and its military wing was never a threat to Australian national security, as it never vowed to target Australia or Australians, unlike the Al Qaeda terrorist organisation.

The Network strongly supports the allegations made by Mr Kamal Mousselmani that Australian government is encouraging terrorism by encouraging Israel to kill people daily through opposing resolutions to condemn Israel and demand its recognition and implementation of UN resolutions.

“We condemn the Australian political parties represented in the parliament who did not stand up against this listing, June 2003”

We note the Australian parliament’s deadly silence on Israel illegal activities, which mounted on several occasions to crimes against humanity, including genocide against the Palestinian people.

“The Australian parliament did not move to limit Australians' contact with the state of Israel, despite many reasons to do so. Israel committed many war crimes against its neighboring countries, this including occupying parts of Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Palestine. We saw lately many reports about Israel using internationally-forbidden weapons of mass destruction, like cluster bombs, phosphoric bombs, and depleted uranium ammunitions”

The network strongly supports the call for the removal of Hizboullah from the list of terrorist organisations in Australia, to be in line with the UN and the rest of the world. Such move, we believe, will help promote peace in the Middle East.

For media interviews, you can call Jamal Daoud, the spokesperson for the network, on 0413467367

9 June 2007

40th Anniversary of Israeli occupation of Arabic lands:
Israeli occupation of Palestine and other Arab lands should end now
Israel had marked this year’s 40th anniversary of its occupation of West Bank, Gaza strip and Golan Heights with more oppression, continued detention without charges of Palestinians and Syrians and more blood shed in West Bank and Gaza strip. All this and the international community is watching carelessly with no action to stop these atrocities.

“We are very concerned about the international community’s hypocrisy when it comes to Israel’s treatment” said Jamal Daoud, the spokesperson of the Social Justice Network. “Israel is refusing to implement more than 65 UN resolutions, violating all international treaties about treatment of people under occupation and all relevant international law about military conduct during war time. Yet, the international community did not move to punish or isolate this renegade state”

“The heightened hypocrisy of the UN and the international community was in its clearest display last month. The Security Council was quick and within less than one week to meet and adopt resolution 1757 to form Special court to investigate the assassination of Mr Hariry, under article VII”

“We understand that there is no wide spread civil unrest, daily massacres, wide spread violation of international laws and treaties in the aftermath of this assassination. Yet the Security Council was quick to adopt such resolution, even without the approval of Lebanese political apparatus”

The Palestinians were subjected to ethnic cleansing since 1948, their rights as human being was and is still grossly violated, their elected parliamentarians are illegally detained and their lands are grossly confiscated daily. Israel also occupies lands of other neighboring countries, Syria and Lebanon. Yet, the Security Council failed to adopt resolution under VII article to stop all these violations and atrocities.

“All aspects of international dealing with Israel are highly hypocritical. The international community’s dealing with Iran’s nuclear program is another example” said Mr Daoud. “Iran is under immense threats from international community for trying to develop nuclear program for peaceful use”
We, in the network, are not necessarily supporting using nuclear energy as alternative. But at the same time we are observing that the international community is deadly silent on the fact that Israel is stockpiling tones of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons of mass destruction”

In this sad commemoration, we stand in solidarity with the Palestinian, Syrian and Lebanese people under Israeli occupation. We condemn the international community silence on Israeli crimes and gross violation to human rights.

We also remember the struggle of million Palestinian, Lebanese and Syrian refugees because of Israeli aggression and occupation. The anniversary is coming just weeks before the world’s celebration of World Refugee Day. We note here that the Palestinians are the largest refugee ethnic group.

The Network will work very hard to raise the awareness among Australians on this important social justice issue. We note also the deadly silence of most of Australian politicians to demand justice for Israeli aggression’s victims.

The international community should act soon to force Israel to recognize and to implement international treaties and laws.

For media interviews, you can call Jamal Daoud on 0413 467 367