Social Justice Network is proudly announcing that Mr Omer Quiader will be its official representative on Viva Palestina 5, the international aid convoy that aims to break the illegal and inhumane siege of Gaza. Mr Quiader, a very active member of the network since its formation, will leave on 14 September to London to join the gigantic aid convoy. The convoy then bounds to Gaza form London on 18 September.
“The SJN participation is the first Australian participation in these courageous convoys bound to Gaza to highlight the inhumanity and barbarity of Gaza blockade” said Jamal Daoud, SJN spokesperson and coordinator of the campaign. “We are proud that we will be the first Australian organization that will participate in these convoys”.
“We also proud that our campaign in Australia to fundraise enough money to enable us to participate had drawn attention to the devastating consequences of the 4 years illegal blockade of the strip”
“The network is proud also that its campaign had urged other organizations to start discussing their participation in this convoy and future ones. While we are proud to initiate this process, we are welcoming any move in this direction”
The network had hoped from this campaign to bring the debate about Israeli barbaric actions against Palestinians under its occupation back to the Australian political arena. It is very clear that our participation and other organizations following our suit are good moves in this direction.
The network had raised around $8,800 for this mission in very short time. The network has transferred the amount of $6,500 to Viva Palestina organization to pay for half truck full with medical and food supplies. The other money will be used to pay for logistical expenses of sending our activist to deliver aid to Gaza strip.
The network had published the names of major donors on its website of
Our team is very happy and proud of their active role in achieving this goal. They are proud to be first Australians to participate in such moves aiming to break the siege of Gaza. While this is the first participation of our organization in these overseas missions, but we are determined not to be the last.
For more information or to arrange media interviews with our representative, you can call Jamal Daoud on 0404 447 272.
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