The new Labor -Greens - Independents government has blood on its hands following the suicide of Fijian detainee at Villawood detention centre. The incident caused wide spread protest among detainees who declared hunger strike and few of them staged protest on the rooftop. They are demanding immediate release from detention and review of their cases by either totally independent body or the court.
“The detainees’ desperate action came after their hopes were dashed following the formation of the minority government. The asylum seekers hoped that the Greens will negotiate with the Labor to demand immediate end of inhumane treatment. They apparently swallowed the empty rhetoric of the Greens on supporting the refugees’ rights during the election campaign”.
“Many asylum seekers had expressed to us that they are prepared now to go to the end with their desperate actions after all hopes in the new government was evaporated with the new minister’s comments threatening to deport all asylum seekers whose applications were rejected by his department. The smaller partner of the government, the Greens, was silence on such cruel comments”
Today’s tragic loss of innocent young life is a clear evidence of parliamentary political parties dealing with this highly humanitarian issue as political football for electoral gains only.
The Social Justice Network was right to declare that the new government would be more conservative than the previous one. The network declared rightly that the role of the Greens in this government would not be more than opportunistic voice to get more exposure by spreading more empty rhetoric, with no actual actions.
The network believes that the Greens could play more constructive role in enforcing the government to retreat of its harsh treatment of refugees and asylum seekers. The Greens has proved with no doubt that it prefers to issue media releases and give media talks than take any practical steps to enforce the government to end its brutal treatment of detainees
While the network holds the government responsible for the blood spelt today inside the detention centre, it holds all partners (Labor, Greens and Independents) the same share of responsibility.
The network will continue to expose the true face of political forces, especially the ones that claim to be “progressive”. Progressiveness means for us not only a set of code words, but practical steps to achieve better society.
The SJN vows to take actions to expose the hypocrisy of the Greens and the inhumanity of Labor. We demand that Labor – Greens – independents government release all asylum seekers to community until their claims finalised.
For more information, you can contact Jamal Daoud on 0404 447 272.
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