Social Justice Network’s representative on Viva Palestina 5, Mr Omer Quiader, communicated to the network his high emotional enthusiasm and hope to enter Gaza soon, possibly within the next 10 days. Mr Quaider told us that today they crossed the border of Turkey to a very welcoming reception from officials and civilians.
“While the convoy received warm welcome in each city they entered en route to Gaza, the welcome in Turkey was exceptional” said Mr Quiader “The Turkish officials and ordinary citizens welcomed us with very warm reception and expressed deep support for Gaza people”
The aid convoy travelled from London on 18 September. Then it crossed through to Paris and many other French cities. From there they convoy crossed to Italy, then to Greece and from Greece to Turkey. The convoy is expected to reach Gaza by 10th of October.
“Despite the long journey we travelled so far, all participants of the convoy have high morale and enthusiasm to reach Gaza and participate in breaking the siege”
Mr Quaider through his phone and email contacts in the last few days expressed his satisfaction with the progress of the mission and the goals it achieved so far. He told us that despite all obstacles, he would love to participate in any similar future missions.
“The encouraging messages we are getting from supporters in Australia and in all cities we crossed in the last 2 weeks are highly encouraging. The messages are strong signal of wide spread opposition to the illegal and brutal siege of Gaza. They are clear indication of wide spread support for any mission to end such brutal siege”
“The participants of the convoy are activists from many countries around the globe. We have three activists from Australia participating for the first time in these convoys”
Mr Quiader also praised and thanked all Australians who donated for the campaign to participate in this convoy. It is the first time that Australia was mentioned in the world media of participating in these noble convoys. This itself is very positive step to engage Australian citizens, politicians, media and non-government organizations in the fight to dismantle this highly inhumane siege that imprison 1.5 million Gazanas and deprive them of all vital needs.
For media interviews or comments on the progress of the convoy, you can contact Jamal Daoud, the spokesperson of SJN on 0404 447 272