Monday, July 12, 2010

6 July 2010

Labor government’s new asylum seekers policy: nice rhetoric with big disappointing conclusions!
After promising start of her policy delivery, PM Julia Gillard, greatly disappoint asylum seekers and the human rights supporters in the country. After Ms Gillard started her policy with outlines that dismiss Liberal opposition racist myths and slogans about unauthorized asylum seekers “problem”, she ended up with similar conclusions and slogans.

It was great to see Ms Gillard dismisses that Australia is facing “unauthorized arrivals problem”, by confirming that the numbers of these are greatly insignificant and constitute no trouble to security or economy. But then when she started to outline her party’s policy, she just did the opposite.

It was also great to see Ms Gillard emphasizing that the racist and inhumane treatment of asylum seekers is damaging the Australian chance to play significant role in international relations and politics, then she resorted to adopt much of Howard’s extreme racist and inhumane policies that undermined the Australian status and influence.

The Social Justice group believes that the policy outlined by Ms Gillard today not only won’t work to solve any issue. But we believe that this policy is just design to win Labor another term in office.

We deeply believe that Ms Gillard’s “East Timor solution” (which is a replica of Howard’s inhumane Nauru solution), will produce (if will go ahead) the same inhumane damages the Nauru’s did. In this instance, we would like to ask our PM how she would insure the humane administration of these “regional centres”? If the government does not control what is happening inside detention cetnres inside Australia, where we are witnessing increasing mental health problems and many self harm attempts, how it could control what is happening outside Australia?

While we believe that Ms Gillard’s policy announcement could win her back vital votes in marginal seats and could deliver her a win in the next election, but we think that Labor government had wasted golden opportunity in the last 3 years to fix this issue for good. We wrote to previous PM few letters advising him about more appropriate humane steps to end the racist debate about the asylum seekers issue. Few of these points were:
1- Talk more frequently about the facts in this regards. Such facts like: the real numbers of asylum seekers around the world, the numbers of asylum seekers arriving to other developed countries and the humane treatment they are given there.
2- Increase the quota of refugees accepted under migration program.
3- Participate in advocating for peaceful solution to armed conflicts that produce high numbers of refugees and asylum seekers.

Ms Gillard mentioned how Australian governments (before Howard’s government) dealt with unauthorized arrivals. We thought that Ms Gillard would propose adopting “Fraser’s solution” to ease the racist debate mounted during 70’s in the face of Vietnamese unauthorized arrivals. Unfortunately, she just mentioned the name of Former PM Fraser, but adopted Howard’s policies.

While we believe that policy announcement today will not fix any problems, but will somehow neutralize the issue of asylum seekers debate in the next election. This will leave us with huge job to continue fighting for the rights of refugees and asylum seekers. Such fight that would not be won only by empty rhetoric exercised by opportunist politicians and political parties. Such parties, especially the Greens, can spread all empty rhetoric they can before the next election. Their empty rhetoric of announcing big promises will not fix the problem. Such issue could be more easily tackled by increasing representation of migrants, refugees and asylum seekers in their membership, hierarchy and candidates for high-profile seats. Their continued refusal to give these communities a voice, is a stark evidence that the campaign they lead is not more than an election campaign of empty rhetoric that will vanish immediately on the next day election night concludes.

Ms Gillard’s today announcement is a clear indication of the total failure of the Australian current policy in dealing with global refugees’ crisis. Instead of taking proactive steps to face the crisis, the Australian government is still lagging behind its Western democracies counterpart.

The group will continue its campaign to lobby the government to change its approach to this issue fundamentally.

For more information, you can contact Jamal Daoud on 0404 447 272

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