Friday, September 11, 2015

Our comments on the Australian government announcement of policy on Syrian crisis

Following the Australian government announcement of policy on Syrian crisis, we would like to mention:
- Australia has committed itself to a very dangerous mission. The Australian participation in bombing of targets inside Syria could be very dangerous manoeuvre for Australia and the region. The region is already a jungle of foreign armies ready to attack each other. We are aware that thousands of Chinese, Russian and Iranian military enforcement has arrived in Syria and in the Mediterranean off the Syrian coast. Any mistake on Australians’ side of bombing of Syrian military or their allies could inflame the whole region. Australian jets could be met with hostile retaliation from both sides. We all remember the Jordanian pilot who was burned alive when his jet was shot down by terrorists.
- The only guarantee that this could be avoided is by acknowledging the only legitimate force on the ground, the Syrian army, the only force fighting terrorists. Without coordination with the Syrian army, Australian participation in the war is far too dangerous. In addition, the bombings of targets by US and its allies for the last year were ineffective and achieved almost nothing.
- In regard to proposed refugees’ intake of 12000 Syrians, we also would like to voice our deep concerns. We are aware with documents that hundreds (if not thousands) of terrorists had fled Syria and could successfully infiltrate refugees masses to Europe. We are very concerned that some of refugees that will be taken by Australia are terrorists who are following orders to infiltrate Western countries as sleeping cells (few of terrorists caught on camera can be seen on .
- During our visits to Jordan and Lebanon in the last 2 years, we heard horrific stories about what is happening in Syrian refugee’s camps (in Zaatary-Jordan, and refugee’s camps in Irsal-Lebanon). The camps are fertile ground for all kind of extremism/terrorism. The camps are full of sleeping cells of terrorist organisations. Last year, terrorists of Jabhat AL Nusra and ISIS attacked Lebanese army from these camps in Irsal area. The situation in Jordan and Turkey is similar.
- The authorities should be careful in choosing any Syrian refugees. We suggest:
1- Preferences given to refugees who have families in Australia. The families in Australia should be known to be not extremists and do not support extremism and have no criminal record or any trouble with authorities
2- Preferences to be given to well-educated refugees with tertiary education and their criminal background checked.
3- Some kind of intelligence exchange should be established with the Syrian authorities to gather information. It is not necessary for our authorities to take the Syrian government advice. Guidance only.
4- Australian authorities should consult Syrian, Arabic and Muslim organisations in Australia known to be anti-extremists. So far, the authorities and media had consulted known extremist individuals and organisations. There advice would be pro-extremists.
5- Imagine that the terrorist pictured in this Youtube video ( was brought to Australia by mistake. The evidence we have is that many similar terrorists have already been accepted as refugees in Sweden and Germany.

Jamal Daoud
Social Justice Network
Mob. 0404 447 272