Thursday, February 17, 2011

In the face of attack on boat people: SJN runs refugees arrived by boat for coming state election.

14 February 2011

In the face of growing attacks on the rights of refugees arriving by boats and the campaigns to demonise them by political parties, the Social Justice Network has decided to run refugee arrived by boat as candidate for highly multicultural seat of Lakemba. The main reason for this move is to give true picture about the successful integration of these people.

“Omar Quiader’s candidacy for the seat of Lakemba is a clear message to all conservative forces in the society that boat people is no threat to our society” said Jamal Daoud, spokesperson for the SJN and coordinator of the election campaign. “On the contrary. Despite the big obstacles put in front of their acceptance and successful integration in the society, they proved to be no different than any other Australian”

“Our campaign aims to put some human face on the issue of boat arrivals to this country. We want to demonstrate that Omar is normal person who does all in his capacity to advance the prosperity of this nation”

The candidacy will also send strong message to political parties claim to be progressive and supporting refugees rights. The simple message we aim to deliver to these politicians is that actions are always louder than talks.

“Fighting against racism and xenophobia and for real multiculturalism by media releases only is neither effective nor genuine. The so called “progressive” parties, especially the Greens, should understand that presenting to parliament a boat people would be enough to quell racist campaigns against boat arrivals”.

“On the other hand, failing to take practical step on this issue is a clear message that these political parties are using the plight of boat people (and general refugees and new migrants’) for electoral gains only. The fiery media releases during Federal campaigns with no practical steps to counteract racist campaigns are clear indication of Greens lack of any commitments to any social justice issue, including rights of refugees and asylum seekers”

“Such clear indications would be guiding us when discussing how to allocate our preferences in this election”.

Omar Quiader, who returned recently from trip to Gaza participating in Viva Palestina 5, is committed political campaigner for equal rights of marginalised groups. Omar will attend this Tuesday the funeral of victims of boat crashed off Christmas Island to pay his respect for the victims died en route to Australia seeking protection and better life.

For more information, Jamal Daoud can be contacted on 0404 447 272. Omar can be contacted on 0403 624 564.