The Social Justice Network joins its voice with other human rights group of deep disappointment with the Greens bill on Children in detention, introduced today. The bill has introduced nothing different from Labor’s disappointing commitments towards the children in detention.
While the group is yet to give detailed comments on the Greens bill, but the initial reading is not positive. The bill will not legislate ending the mandatory detention of children, minors and their parents/guardians. This is total departure from the Greens election slogans of fighting to scrap mandatory detention altogether.
“Today’s bill is exposing without doubt the real nature of the Greens party: party that have politics totally different rom policies. The policies which are designed to fool voters are totally different from Greens stances inside the parliament” said Jamal Daoud, spokesperson for SJN. “The Greens votes’ jump from 2.5% prior to 2001 election to massive 12.5% in the last election was due for large party to their slogans of opposing inhumane mandatory detention system altogether”
“The bill leaves mostly everything for minister to decide on. This includes the time frame and definition of “housing”. Practically, there is nothing different between the Greens bill and the policies implemented by Liberals and promised recently by Labor”
“Every decent Australians who voted for the Greens in the last election has thousand reasons to ask the Greens to clarify this total departure from policies published on the Greens website and in election material since 2001 lection”
The Greens today give more example that it is a party that cannot be trusted on any issue. The opposition to harsh treatment of asylum seekers was in the heart of the Greens empty rhetoric for the last decade. If they cannot honour simple promise, how they can deliver on larger issues of economic management, foreign affairs, welfare system, public sector management and other huge issues that need reforms.
“Today’s disappointing bill is no different from the other Greens action of not honour election policies and promises. We all remember how the Greens swallowed their commitments to abolish government’s rebate on private health insurance, abolish the “Anti-Terrorism” legislations and many other policies. But in parliament they did just the opposite”
“Today’s bill should be an eye opener for anyone who wrongly put their bit on the Greens to make the society more just and fairer. It is very clear that the Greens is part of the problem and cannot be part of any solution”
“The Greens, if they were serious on ending the harsh inhumane mandatory detention system, they would have put it in their agreement with Labor to form the minority government. The Labor then was desperate to form a government, and they could have accepted releasing 700 children from detention”
The network declared rightly that the role of the Greens in this government would not be more than opportunistic voice to get more exposure by spreading more empty rhetoric, with no actual actions.
The network will continue to expose the true face of political forces, especially the ones that claim to be “progressive”. Progressiveness means for us not only a set of code words, but practical steps to achieve better society.
The SJN vows to continue fighting against the inhumane mandatory dentition system until the release of all asylum seekers to community until their claims finalised.
For more information, you can contact Jamal Daoud on 0404 447 272.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Monday, October 18, 2010
Government step to release children from detention: too little too late to correct cruel practices!
Government step to release children from detention: too little too late to correct cruel practices!
The Social Justice Network (SJN) welcomes the Federal government’s announcement of new policy to start releasing children and their families from detention centres. But it considers the step to be too little too late. The government should start defuse the crisis by releasing all detainees who were in detention for more than 90 days, as per Labor’s official policy on mandatory detention centre.
“While the SJN campaigns to dismantle the mandatory detention system altogether, but the today’s announcement is a positive small step in the right direction” said Jamal Daoud, the SJN spokesperson. “The step will inevitably followed soon by further steps to release more detainees after the clear failure of the mandatory detention system”
“In this instance we notice the cheap way the Greens leaked the new announcement, to claim exclusive credit for the change. The Greens claimed that their demand of children release from detention was the main and only factor that brought this positive change. This is total false and misleading claim that caused deep shock and disappointment among human rights activists who campaigned for years to achieve this change”
The Greens misleading claims is both an assault on our intelligence and an assault on the feelings of thousands of activists and tens of organizations that worked very hard to change the heart of the government on this issue.
The claim is totally false and misleading as the Greens and all Australians know very well that the racist Liberal party demanded the release of children and their families from detention long before the Greens senators woke up and started to make demands on this issue.
The Greens party could claim credit for this change if they at least included this demand in the agreement with the Labor party to form a minority government. In that agreement and during the whole period of negotiation with the Labor party, the Greens did not even mention the issue of children in detention.
Any detailed analysis of the reasons of these changes would mention that the real reasons were:
1- The Labor tough treatment of the “boat people” proved to be a failed election strategy that cost the Labor a lot of votes.
2- The tough treatment attracted criticism from even Labor bases, where the Unions and many sections of Labor members and MPs were critical of such tough treatment.
3- The criticism also was tense from human rights organizations and public figures.
4- The situation inside the detentions centres had reached the crisis point with no horizon of easing under current practices. On the contrary. The situation proved to be very volatile and could explode very soon if the government does not change its attitude and practices.
5- The election is over and the Labor government that thinks that it will serve full term has enough time to clean the mess, even with criticism from racist opposition.
Taking into account the Greens cheap tactic of leaking changes and claiming credit, the Greens tactic is very simple, but very cheap. The Greens tactic is to claim any credit of changes to current situation, but to blame the Labor for all misachievments. We saw this when the Greens claimed credit for government promises to discuss introducing carbon tax. It also claimed credit for starting debate over future Australian commitments in Afghanistan. The Greens were very quick to claim credit, even before achieving any real change or achievement.
But the Greens is not taking any blame for indifference on issues of aliening public services, mandatory detention system, growing racism and Islamophobia, deteriorating life style and the situation of indigenous people. On this instance we note that the Greens are part of the government, as according to their agreement with labor to form minority government.
The Greens cheap claims of credit over the changes are both regrettable and highly condemned. The Greens should be ashamed from themselves for not using their numbers in both houses to enforce wide spread changes to highly inhumane mandatory system. The Greens has nothing to be proud of in this regard and on this issue.
The same senator who made these shameful claims failed to support the many desperate asylum seekers who protested outside the Federal parliament in the last few years. The senator could not leave her public-funded air-conditioned office in the parliament house to approach Bseem Mohamed, Aminovs family or Musher Saleh to know why they were protesting there. The Greens senators, including Ms Sarah Hanson, showed no humanity to show interest in helping desperate people protesting against their deportation to unknown fate.
The Greens has nothing to claim credit on the issue of migration and refugees.
The network will continue its campaign to expose the inhumane and brutal nature of the mandatory detention system. And the network will not hesitate to expose the hypocrite forces that want to trade the suffering of thousands of vulnerable people for more votes. This is why the network is not participating nor urging decent Australians to participate in rallies designed to fool Australians. Such rallies and protests that invite the Greens politicians to be the only political speakers, in an attempt to win them more votes. Such rallies that does not serve any noble cause, but to deceive Australians and give them false impressions on who really supports the refugees’ rights. If the Greens genuinely support the refugees’ rights, they should have taken practical steps to relieve the asylum seekers. In this instance we note that the Greens politicians’ pilgrimage to detention centres starts only before elections.
The network vows to continue its campaign until all detainees are released and mandatory detention dismantled.
For more information, you can contact Jamal Daoud on 0404 447 272.
The Social Justice Network (SJN) welcomes the Federal government’s announcement of new policy to start releasing children and their families from detention centres. But it considers the step to be too little too late. The government should start defuse the crisis by releasing all detainees who were in detention for more than 90 days, as per Labor’s official policy on mandatory detention centre.
“While the SJN campaigns to dismantle the mandatory detention system altogether, but the today’s announcement is a positive small step in the right direction” said Jamal Daoud, the SJN spokesperson. “The step will inevitably followed soon by further steps to release more detainees after the clear failure of the mandatory detention system”
“In this instance we notice the cheap way the Greens leaked the new announcement, to claim exclusive credit for the change. The Greens claimed that their demand of children release from detention was the main and only factor that brought this positive change. This is total false and misleading claim that caused deep shock and disappointment among human rights activists who campaigned for years to achieve this change”
The Greens misleading claims is both an assault on our intelligence and an assault on the feelings of thousands of activists and tens of organizations that worked very hard to change the heart of the government on this issue.
The claim is totally false and misleading as the Greens and all Australians know very well that the racist Liberal party demanded the release of children and their families from detention long before the Greens senators woke up and started to make demands on this issue.
The Greens party could claim credit for this change if they at least included this demand in the agreement with the Labor party to form a minority government. In that agreement and during the whole period of negotiation with the Labor party, the Greens did not even mention the issue of children in detention.
Any detailed analysis of the reasons of these changes would mention that the real reasons were:
1- The Labor tough treatment of the “boat people” proved to be a failed election strategy that cost the Labor a lot of votes.
2- The tough treatment attracted criticism from even Labor bases, where the Unions and many sections of Labor members and MPs were critical of such tough treatment.
3- The criticism also was tense from human rights organizations and public figures.
4- The situation inside the detentions centres had reached the crisis point with no horizon of easing under current practices. On the contrary. The situation proved to be very volatile and could explode very soon if the government does not change its attitude and practices.
5- The election is over and the Labor government that thinks that it will serve full term has enough time to clean the mess, even with criticism from racist opposition.
Taking into account the Greens cheap tactic of leaking changes and claiming credit, the Greens tactic is very simple, but very cheap. The Greens tactic is to claim any credit of changes to current situation, but to blame the Labor for all misachievments. We saw this when the Greens claimed credit for government promises to discuss introducing carbon tax. It also claimed credit for starting debate over future Australian commitments in Afghanistan. The Greens were very quick to claim credit, even before achieving any real change or achievement.
But the Greens is not taking any blame for indifference on issues of aliening public services, mandatory detention system, growing racism and Islamophobia, deteriorating life style and the situation of indigenous people. On this instance we note that the Greens are part of the government, as according to their agreement with labor to form minority government.
The Greens cheap claims of credit over the changes are both regrettable and highly condemned. The Greens should be ashamed from themselves for not using their numbers in both houses to enforce wide spread changes to highly inhumane mandatory system. The Greens has nothing to be proud of in this regard and on this issue.
The same senator who made these shameful claims failed to support the many desperate asylum seekers who protested outside the Federal parliament in the last few years. The senator could not leave her public-funded air-conditioned office in the parliament house to approach Bseem Mohamed, Aminovs family or Musher Saleh to know why they were protesting there. The Greens senators, including Ms Sarah Hanson, showed no humanity to show interest in helping desperate people protesting against their deportation to unknown fate.
The Greens has nothing to claim credit on the issue of migration and refugees.
The network will continue its campaign to expose the inhumane and brutal nature of the mandatory detention system. And the network will not hesitate to expose the hypocrite forces that want to trade the suffering of thousands of vulnerable people for more votes. This is why the network is not participating nor urging decent Australians to participate in rallies designed to fool Australians. Such rallies and protests that invite the Greens politicians to be the only political speakers, in an attempt to win them more votes. Such rallies that does not serve any noble cause, but to deceive Australians and give them false impressions on who really supports the refugees’ rights. If the Greens genuinely support the refugees’ rights, they should have taken practical steps to relieve the asylum seekers. In this instance we note that the Greens politicians’ pilgrimage to detention centres starts only before elections.
The network vows to continue its campaign until all detainees are released and mandatory detention dismantled.
For more information, you can contact Jamal Daoud on 0404 447 272.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
After Viva Palestina: Social Justice Network participates in the Asian Aid Convoy
After the success of its campaign to achieve the first Australian public participation in Viva Palesina aid convoys which resulted in the participation of 3 Australian activists, the Social Justice Network proudly announces that it will participate in the Asian aid convoy to deliver aid to Gaza and try to break the siege.
“The SJN actively participated in the initial preparation and communications to send the first aid convoy from Asia” said Jamal Daoud, spokesperson of the SJN. “The convoy that will starts from India through different Asian countries to end up in Lebanon, before sailing to Al Arish in Egypt”
The idea came from the fact that Palestine is in the continent of Asia, while all aid convoys were coming from Europe. Consequently, representatives of more than 50 Asian non-government organisations met in Tehran mid September and decided to organise gigantic aid convoy.
“The convoy will commence its journey to Gaza from New Delhi on the first of December, to reach Gaza by 27 December. This to coincide with the anniversary of the latest Israeli barbaric war on Gaza”
The convoy will include representatives of non-government organisations from India, Pakistan, Iran, Indonesia, Malaysia, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Australia. Such organisation that made it very clear that they oppose the illegal and inhumane blockade of Gaza and will challenge it by all means until it will be dismantled totally.
“The network will announce its campaign to collect money to fund its participation in this new initiative. Such money that will be used to buy medical and food supplies to be delivered to Gazans”
The network will soon announce the names of its members that will participate in this convoy.
“In regard to Viva Palestina 5 convoy, we have the pleasure to announce that Egypt gave today, at last, the permission for activists to sail to Al Arish before entering Gaza. The convoy, which consists of around 150 vehicles and 400 activists, is expected to start sailing from Syrian port of Latakia in two days”
“Our representative on the convoy, Omer Quaider, communicated to us the high emotional feelings among all participants at the moment, despite all obstacles and hard work. At last they will enter Gaza and will deliver the aid”
“Mr Quaider was sending us reports and pictures about the very warm reception the convoy participants were receiving in all European countries. He told us that the reception got very warm when the convoy entered the Turkish border, where the participants were treated as heroes. The participants visited the cemetery where victims of Israeli assault on Freedom Flotilla were buried”
The network is making the necessary contacts with human rights organisations to encourage them to participate in these efforts. The network will announce soon the result of these contacts and the final details of the initiative. More information will be available after the network’s representatives will attend regional organisational meeting in Malaysia, 3 October 2010.
For more information, Jamal Daoud can be contacted on 0404 447 272
“The SJN actively participated in the initial preparation and communications to send the first aid convoy from Asia” said Jamal Daoud, spokesperson of the SJN. “The convoy that will starts from India through different Asian countries to end up in Lebanon, before sailing to Al Arish in Egypt”
The idea came from the fact that Palestine is in the continent of Asia, while all aid convoys were coming from Europe. Consequently, representatives of more than 50 Asian non-government organisations met in Tehran mid September and decided to organise gigantic aid convoy.
“The convoy will commence its journey to Gaza from New Delhi on the first of December, to reach Gaza by 27 December. This to coincide with the anniversary of the latest Israeli barbaric war on Gaza”
The convoy will include representatives of non-government organisations from India, Pakistan, Iran, Indonesia, Malaysia, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Australia. Such organisation that made it very clear that they oppose the illegal and inhumane blockade of Gaza and will challenge it by all means until it will be dismantled totally.
“The network will announce its campaign to collect money to fund its participation in this new initiative. Such money that will be used to buy medical and food supplies to be delivered to Gazans”
The network will soon announce the names of its members that will participate in this convoy.
“In regard to Viva Palestina 5 convoy, we have the pleasure to announce that Egypt gave today, at last, the permission for activists to sail to Al Arish before entering Gaza. The convoy, which consists of around 150 vehicles and 400 activists, is expected to start sailing from Syrian port of Latakia in two days”
“Our representative on the convoy, Omer Quaider, communicated to us the high emotional feelings among all participants at the moment, despite all obstacles and hard work. At last they will enter Gaza and will deliver the aid”
“Mr Quaider was sending us reports and pictures about the very warm reception the convoy participants were receiving in all European countries. He told us that the reception got very warm when the convoy entered the Turkish border, where the participants were treated as heroes. The participants visited the cemetery where victims of Israeli assault on Freedom Flotilla were buried”
The network is making the necessary contacts with human rights organisations to encourage them to participate in these efforts. The network will announce soon the result of these contacts and the final details of the initiative. More information will be available after the network’s representatives will attend regional organisational meeting in Malaysia, 3 October 2010.
For more information, Jamal Daoud can be contacted on 0404 447 272
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